Monday, August 24, 2020

Hurricanes in New York Essay Example for Free

Storms in New York Essay Typhoons are climate frameworks that have twists quicker than 119 km/hr, brought by exceptional turn, picking up force as it is shaped in the ocean. It begins and develops over tropical maritime locales. These typhoons are generally littler than storms, as a rule having about 500km in distance across. When it is over a waterway, the air moves a counterclockwise way, however at the highest point of the tempest, the breezes are following a clockwise bearing (What Is a Hurricane? ). Just as of late, storms crushed a few states in the United States; including the incredible harm it brought to New Orleans and some more. Typhoons are powers of nature that no man can stop. It is an extraordinary power of nature that no man can conflict with. Regardless of how industrialized the spot is, regardless of what number of high rising structures you have, it a storm will hit you, it will. As studies appear, the following spot a tropical storm could hit can be New York City. Irregular objective. â€Å"Shortly before sunrise on Friday, September first, climate administrations conveyed the news that everybody had been fearing significant tempest, Hurricane Ella, was off Cape Hatteras and heading for New York. At 6:30 A. M., a crisis arranging bunch met at the war room in Robertsons office. †(MORGENSTERN) New York City, considered as one of Americas most created urban region yet isn't as sheltered as anybody might suspect with regards to a cataclysmic event like that of a tropical storm. Nobody can envision how a focal point of improvement and trade, rich with huge corporate undertakings and humungous structures could be crushed by a characteristic marvel. History of Hurricanes in New York New York has a very â€Å"colorful† history with regards to typhoons, despite the fact that it once in a while meets one. Route in 1821, a colossal tropical storm made its quality felt when it went head on with Manhattan, leaving occupants in extraordinary stun when they saw the ocean levels rising in excess of ten feet in under 60 minutes. Everything was destroyed away by the tropical storm, flooding may lanes including Canal Street. Specialists state that the main thing that prevented the typhoon from totally obliterating the city was it occurred during a low tide. In the event that it occurred on an elevated tide, it would have brought a great deal of water and would have overwhelmed the city more. In August of 1893, a whole island got cleaned of the guide of New York totally. It was the Hog Island, an island the state of a pig, which runs for in excess of a mile in the coast south of the Rockaways. It was grown just after the Civil war, wherein numerous structures were manufactured, similar to cantinas, bathhouses and betting zones. It was produced for some conspicuous individuals, a spot where they can loosen up when they are away from work. At that point, calamity struck. It was one major occasion, wherein it took a great deal from the individuals. It devastated and sunk pontoons on the harbor or out on ocean, slaughtering several mariners. It annihilated a ton of local locations, evacuated numerous trees, and actually cleaned the whole Hog’s Island. It was as high as 30 feet, moving through Brooklyn, Queens, and different regions close by obliterating anything in its way. Hog’s Island was the primary circumstance wherein a storm truly expelled a whole island (Britt). New York Hurricane Statistics â€Å"His figures revealed to him that such an occasion had a likelihood of happening as regularly as once every sixteen yearswhat meteorologists call a sixteen-year storm. † (MORGENSTERN) According to measurements, storms generally come to New York in a sixteen-year premise. Inside 16 years, quite possibly one tropical storm would pass New York’s region. Yet, storms with the quality like what cleared Hog’s Island is said to hit New York in a range of 75 years or more. In any case, after the occurrence on Hog’s, another gigantic storm cleared the city, which is a great deal sooner, not following the multi year arrangement. That typhoon was known as the Long Island Express. Long Island wasn’t populated that much yet, so if that equivalent typhoon struck the spot once more; it would most likely raise a great deal of frenzy and dread, in view of its quality, with winds that go for 183 miles for each hour. A significant tropical storm in New York would definitely make some waves. Around 78. 5% of New Yorkers in the beach front regions have never encountered a significant tropical storm ever in their lives. It is esteemed that in the following 50 years, there is a 73% possibility that New York City will be hit by a storm. Be that as it may, with regards to a significant, enormously damaging tropical storm, there is a 26 % chance that New York will get hit in the following 50 years. With these measurements, ideally, it would help individuals in remaining alarm, being readied on the off chance that anything turns out badly, if at any time another super tropical storm would come their direction (Mandia). Specialists accept that New York City is one of the most risky urban areas that could get the following tropical storm catastrophe. They state that New York is as of now in third spot, following Miami, and New Orleans. These two were vigorously crushed by storms in the earlier years. Building specialists state that New York represents a conceivably deadly highlights and attributes. The scaffolds in New York are set so high that it could without much of a stretch get destroyed by pre-tropical storm winds, which implies that these conceivable departure courses would be demolished even before the typhoons are quite New York, catching all the regular people in the city. This reductions the chance of clearing, hence a major opportunities for a ton of lives to be lost. It is said that in a class 4 typhoon, JFK International Airport would be lowered in 20 feet of water. The expense of tropical storm harms Experts state that if typhoons of the past would happen today, the New York City areas would endure extraordinary monetary misfortunes. It is an expected $18 billion worth of harms if at any point calamities like this would liable to occur. Tropical storms are to be faulted for about 70% of safeguard property misfortune in the United States. New York’s waterfront state is second as far as guaranteed beach front property, following Florida, so this implies without a doubt, storms would put an extraordinary effect on the economy, for New York as well as for America, and possibly, the world (Naparstek). Tropical storms and the economy. Specialists caution that if at any time a tropical storm reaches to or anyplace close to New York, it would doubtlessly influence the economy, for New York is the biggest, one of the most profitable urban focus in the United States. A tropical storm assault, even a low classification one, would as of now flood the runways of the JFK International Airport, hence causing a significant mix in the flights, of potential financial specialists or speculations going back and forth out of the territory. It could likewise flood the avenues of Manhattan, contingent upon how it framed and came, and the tides, regardless of whether it is elevated tide or low tide. It could likewise cause a great deal of harms in the structures and other foundation in the profoundly urbanized territory. These misfortunes are critical to promoting and back, and could without a doubt make an agitated. New York is an overall place with regards to fund, it is as of now an organization. It likewise has an exceptionally huge impact on national and global business. If at any time one tropical storm would hit New York making its ports shut, the New York Stock trade would truly endure. Seven days of conclusion would doubtlessly harm the economy of America, more terrible than storm Katrina’s impact (Drye). End From Tropical Storms, to low-classification typhoons, to major pulverizing storms like tropical storm Katrina and Long Island Express, they’re no different. They could all bring terrible things; the main contrast is the power of the harm. They are powers of nature in which man can't battle with, the main thing that we can do is to be readied. It is the key for endurance, and the key for the decrease of misfortunes we could understanding. References: Britt, Robert Roy. History Reveals Hurricane Threat to New York City. 2005. LiveScience. http://www. livescience. com/forcesofnature/050601_hurricane_1938. html. Drye, Willie. Storm Could Devastate New York, U. S. Economy, Experts Warn. 2006. National Geographic Society. http://news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2006/05/060519_hurricanes. html. Mandia, Scott A. Whats in Store for New Yorks Future? 2003. http://www2. sunysuffolk. edu/mandias/38hurricane/hurricane_future. html. MORGENSTERN, JOE. The Fifty-Nine-Story Crisis. 1995. http://www. duke. edu/~hpgavin/ce131/citicorp1. htm. Naparstek, Aaron. Tempest Tracker. 2005. http://nymag. com/nymetro/news/individuals/sections/intelligencer/12908/. What Is a Hurricane? 2001.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Othello Quotes and Techniques free essay sample

Lucy Holman Find cites which give data about the accompanying key territories of the play. Endeavor to recognize material that uncovers how these perspectives are a wellspring of contention: |Aspect of the Play |Quotes |How these viewpoints make struggle | |Patriarchy |-â€Å"How got she out? |-This perspective is feature with sexual orientation strife in the |-â€Å"Oh, she bamboozles me! † |play by utilization of creature symbolism, alluding to Desdemona | |as that of a pooch. |-The sensational reference shows sexism and the | |perspective on ladies as misleading and tricky which | |causes further clash among the sexual orientations. | |Hierarchy Apex of Power |-â€Å"Our incredible Captain’s skipper. † Desdemona’s high status is before her time and creates| |-Cassio, I love thee; however never more be official of |conflict as the social orders were patriarchs. | |mine |-Indicates the disgrace when one loses their status and | |blackens their notoriety. | |Christianity/Religious convictions |-For Christian disgrace, put by this uncouth fight | |Ideas identifying with black magic/Superstitions |â€Å"we work by mind, and not by witchcraft† |-Depicts strange notions and the dread of otherworldly. We will compose a custom exposition test on Othello Quotes and Techniques or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page | |Creates struggle by the connection of witches to the | |devil. |War/Colonization |â€Å"One Michael Cassio, a Florentine, |-Iago is desirous of Cassio’s advancement and says that | |A individual nearly damnd in a reasonable spouse; |he doesn’t find out about fighting than a housewife or | |That never set a unit in the field, |a old maid does, this features the envy cause by | |Nor the division of a fight knows |statuses associated with fighting pecking order. | |More than a spinster† | |Honour/Reputation |â€Å"Reputation, notoriety, notoriety! Gracious, I have lost my|-shows the significance of notoriety and economic wellbeing | |reputation! I have lost the eternal piece of myself, |and the contention causes when that notoriety is | |and what remains is savage. † |tarnished. | |Setting †Venice Cyprus |-â€Å"Heaven favor the island of Cyprus and our honorable | general Othello† |-if unctuousness and a slight promise in between a failing | |barbarian and a supersubtle Venetian†¦Ã¢â‚¬  | |Civilisation versus Barbarianism |-For Christian disgrace, put by this savage fight |-Conflict is brought about by barbarianism and called to cease| | |â€Å"for Christian shame† . Christianity is portrayed as | |civilised as opposed to barbarianism | |Order (Natural request as appointed by God) versus |-â€Å"Against all principles of nature† |-referrence to the perspective on people concerning | |Disorder | |Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. These disregarding | |opinions show social clash | Identify Quotes which utilize the accompanying methods and remark on the impact they have on the importance passed on: Techniques |Quote |Effect | |Imagery e. g. creature, dim |-â€Å"old dark slam is tupping you white ewe† |-passes on the perspective on Othello as filthy and undesirable in | |comparison to unadulterated Desdemona and features racial conflict| | |present. | |Dramatic Irony |-â€Å"you exhort me well. |-Cassios trust in Iago exhibits the intensity of | |manipulation. | |Soliloquy |Thus do I ever make my moron my tote |Reveals to the crowd the character’s genuine nature and | |intentions, permitting further understanding int o the story. | |Symbolism |-The tissue given to Desdemona as a token of |When Othello finds that the cloth is in Cassio’s | |Othello’s love. ownership it validates his premonitions about Desdemona as it| | |symbolises the situation of her adoration. | |Puns |â€Å"Moorship† |â€Å"His revere, is a term of regard, so Iagos joke, | |Moorship, ridicules the two Othellos race and his character. | |Duality e. g. Dark/White, Honesty/Duplicity |honourable killer |Othello’s reference to himself in the wake of slaughtering desdemona. | |Conveys differentiating parts of the play. |Iambic Pentameter | |Shakespeares composing style creates a beat increasingly pleasant | |for the peruser | |Rhyming couplets |â€Å"Come, my dear love, |Shows character in a progressively appealing, legit light. | |The buy made, the organic products are to result; | |The profit’s yet to come ’tween me and you. † | |Prose |But mostly prompted diet my vengeance, For t hat I do |Shows characters in a dull, less alluring, and conceivably | |suspect the healthy Moor Hath jumped into my seat, |evil way. | |the thought whereof Doth like a noxious mineral | |gnaw my inwards | |Imagery |â€Å"now making the brute with two backs† |Iago utilizes dim sexual symbolism to accentuate the disturb felt| | |towards Othello | |Oxymoron |â€Å"soldier of love† |Highlights explicit incongruity in the circumstance |

Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Home, not just a Haus

A Home, not just a Haus Picture this, it is the summer time, and I am finally free from the stresses of MIT. There are no more PSETs I must frantically worry about handing in on time, there are no more days where I have to worry about scheduling eating and cooking within my busy schedule, and there are no more days where I lose sleep worrying about how I’m doing in school. My stress has melted away into a newfound excitement for the future, for REX week, for living in a suite with friends next semester, and adding new freshman into a community that I cherished so much. Now picture me, it is the summer time. I try to believe that stress doesn’t change me, so the bubbly, excitable, carefree girl I’m telling you to picture isn’t so different from winter-me. I’m on the train heading into the depths of New York City, about to venture into the Museum of Modern Art with a friend from Senior Haus. Despite being a New York native all my life, this is the first time I’m riding the subway alone. The signal on the train is spotty as it dips underground and reemerges, but I don’t care. Museums have always been sources of accessible fun in the big city, and god, how I love impressionist art. There is nothing but pure excitement running through me. Now, I want you to rip this picture apart. The email subject title read: “Important news for the Senior House community.” Straight from the Chancellor herself. The only line from the email that loaded said, “We write to share with you some troubling data about the Senior House community…” Keep ripping the picture, think about how the ink can start to peel away from the edges at every rip. The music that was once playing in my ears turned into an ugly, burning dull noise. As the train flew beyond the Bronx and into the famous Big Apple, all I could think about was the very real possibility that things were no longer going to be all that I had dreamt about. People on the train became lifeless and unreal puppets living in a world where I was looking into. My hands, as shaky and sweaty as they were, no longer felt like my own. Was I dreaming? There are a couple of proposed solutions to the “troubling data” outlined in the email. The one that strikes me as the most hurtful is the one that bars incoming freshman from choosing Senior Haus in the summer housing lottery. My heart hurts for the Class of 2020, for being denied access to a place that is a home for my hopeful heart and wearied mind. A place where residents are not afraid to look the creatures of the dark in the eye and paint them on our walls as warning signals. A place where people truly love living and it shows. This feeling from the train ride, the disconnection from reality, where we must ask ourselves, “is this actually real?” is a feeling I know too well. It is one I never spoke about before coming to live in Senior Haus. I couldn’t concentrate at the museum; I felt hollow and unreal. My legs moved before I could process and my eyes saw but didn’t really see. Even the sight of Van Gogh’s Starry Night, the source of inspiration for a mural I painted in my dorm room, did nothing to bring me back into reality. Many of us, I’m sure, have felt this, but are too afraid to talk about it. I remember the first time this happened, this disassociation, as it’s known as in the medical community, feeling both terrified at my own disconnect and at the idea of having to tell people. I was afraid to tell my own parents, my friends, all while grappling with a nasty voice in my head that kept telling me I would soon wake up from this dream. I couldn’t sleep at night because I was too busy wiping away tears and trying to convince myself I would be okay. The few people I did tell had trouble believing me. It’s not that they didn’t care, but they couldn’t grasp this feeling of pure anxiety and fear I was feeling. So I kept shut. I stopped talking about it entirely. I smiled through my episodes and continued on pretending like nothing had ever happened. When I got to Senior Haus, everything was so… different. I could talk freely about this, without ever feeling judged. In casual conversations while walking to Tosci’s, I could go off on a tangent and finally say the words I had been dying to say for so long. I could talk to my GRT’s about it, at 2AM when I should have been doing work. I’d hear, “You know, sometimes I feel like that, too.” And that was all I ever needed to hear. All I had ever wanted to feel was some validation, some acknowledgement that I was not suffering alone. Without Senior Haus, this would’ve continued to be my bottled up secret. Typing this, even now, still feels like a milestone. The story doesn’t end here, either. There is no doubt that this dorm means so much to its residents and house team, past, current, and future. It is my personal source of happiness in an institution that frankly, would have crushed me without it. It is a dorm for a disproportionately high amount of LGBT students, students of color, and first generation students, people who are already statistically more likely to deal with mental issues and struggle in school. It is a place with a colorful and rich and sometimes even unsavory history, and a place I couldn’t be happier to call my home. There are very real problems here, but no one cares more about them than the people who deal with them every day. The lack of student input on this decision that ultimately affects the entire MIT undergrad population is truly disappointing. I am a part of these underrepresented minorities. There are incoming 2020s who are as well. It is hard to not be aware of the news and of the discrimination that we face for simply existing. Now, more than ever, I am hyper aware of my own mortality, at the very real prospect of being gone in an instant. So forgive me MIT, and forgive all the freshman who wanted to be a part of our community, for wanting to live in a place where we can forget about all of that.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Native Americans and Diabetes Essay - 2359 Words

Native Americans and Diabetes Since the arrival of Columbus in 1492, American Indians have been in a continuous struggle with diseases. It may not be small pox anymore, but illnesses are still haunting the native population. According to statistics, Native Americans have much higher rates of disease than the overall population. This includes a higher death rate from alcoholism, tuberculosis, and diabetes than any other racial or ethnic group. Recent studies by Indian health experts show that diabetes among Indian youth ages 15-19 has increased 54% since 1996 and 40% of Indian children are overweight. Even though diabetes rates vary considerably among the Native American population, deaths caused from diabetes are 230 percent greater†¦show more content†¦When the Native Americans were forced onto reservations they stopped hunting and preparing their own food. Instead the United States government gave them food that their bodies were not used to digesting. Indians were not used to eating flour, lard, cann ed meats and poultry that are swimming in fat, and canned fruits and vegetables packed in sugary syrup. Native Americans’ bodies could not handle the extra fat and sugar in their diet. This, coupled with a decrease in intense exercise, increased obesity and brought on the rise of diabetes. The sudden lack of exercise resulted in a significant weight increase in the Native American community. Indians were used to roaming the countryside. They had to follow the buffalo or move to warmer weather. Now, they were put into permanent homes and bought their food. This created an overweight, obese group of people. Studies estimated that the overall occurrence of obesity among Native Americans was 13.7 percent for men and 16.5 percent for women. These are higher than the United States’ rates of 9.1 percent and 8.2 percent, respectively. It is reported that the United States spends $93 billion a year on preventable obesity- related illnesses and diseases. When most of us think of the great Indians of the last century, we think of a thin, well-defined figure standing stern and serious. When we think of a modern Indian, weShow MoreRelatedA Look Inside Native Americans High Rates of Obesity and Diabetes2104 Words   |  9 PagesNative Americans have the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Native Americans are 60% more likely to be obese and are over twice as likely to have diabetes than the general population. These numbers are even higher for Southwest Native Americans. But their diet is very similar to the rest of modern society. So why do Native Americans suffer these conditions at higher rates than the general population? 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Native American children attending these schools are generally obese and do not participate in extra-curricular activities. The Leading Health Indicator (LHI) that applies is Children and adolescents who are considered obese. Recognizing this LHI, nursing diagnoses canRead MoreAmerican-Indians and the United States Health System1556 Words   |  6 Pages American Indians and the United States Health System Introduction Though American Indians are enjoying an independent public health system with above $3 billion funds provided by Congress annually for delivering healthcare services to them, still figure and facts on health status of American Indians reveal that they are facing many difficulties and have to suffer from diverse type of illness and disease at a misappropriate level. Since long it was identified by medical communities that thereRead MoreHow to Live to Be 1001662 Words   |  7 Pages50 years. The percentage of older adults in the United States that is made up of Blacks and other non-White minorities will increase from 10.2 in 1990 to 15.3 in 2020 and 21.3% in 2050. (Fried p.4) In 2005, 9.4 percent of African Americans, 9.3 percent of Asian Americans, and 6.5 percent of Hispanics were older than 65. The leading causes of death among the elderly are chronic diseases, notably cardiovascular disease and cancer. Other major causes of death include: Chronic respiratory diseases such

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Sarbanes Oxley Act And Enron Essay - 1565 Words

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was signed into law in 2002 and it was ment to ensure that publicly traded companies complied with policies that made their financial records honest and not distorted to make them look better or to make them look worse. This was supposed to cut down on the corporate fraud with accounting. This all started because some companies such as, Enron and WorldCom. Enron was reporting inaccurate trading revenues by acting as a middle man in partnerships and selling back and forth these partnerships and crediting Enron for the profits (Britannica). The government stepped in and investigated their accounting practices and while the investigation was occurring, their accountants started destroying evidence (Britannica). WorldCom, through their accounting records improperly stated $3.8 billion in five quarters (cbsnews). WorldCom should have showed a net loss but WorldCom’s records showed otherwise. WorldCom’s accountant company was the same as the Enron scand al and they claimed that they â€Å"complied with professional and Securities and Exchange Commission standards† with WorldCom. In both companies, the result of their wrongdoing made their stocks completely crash and their top executives in trouble with the law. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act makes companies create an oversight board or in case of the company not making one, by law, the board of directors is the board. The board is responsible to oversee that the financial records of the company is incompliance with theShow MoreRelatedEnron Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act Essay1358 Words   |  6 Pages Enron was a U.S. based energy-trading company. At its height of operation in the early part of 2001, it was booking revenues of about $140 billion (Enron Ethics). At the end of 2001 it declared bankruptcy. The Enron bankruptcy was the largest corporate economic failure at that time, and still remains an example of how corrupt practices magnify in the long run. What led to Enron’s fa ilure was primarily a lack of ethics, and poor accounting practices. This scandal was one of the reasons that new regulationsRead MoreAfter Effects of Enron Scandal and Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the American Market784 Words   |  3 Pages2005). This is particularly true when one adds the necessity of ethical responsibility from business professionals. The Enron Scandal, for instance, became a global call for accounting reform and clearly reduced the publics confidence in the corporate environment. Briefly, Texas-based energy company Enron used one of the nations most prestigious accounting firms, Arthur Anderson. Enron employed over twenty-thousand people and had revenues over $100 billion. Forbes magazine called the company one ofRead MoreCorporate Scandals And The Implact Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act1472 Words   |  6 PagesA LOOK AT CORPORATE SCANDALS AND THE IMPLACT OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002 I. INTRODUCTION An economic boom filled with fraud, collapsed in the early 2000s with the unravelling of Enron in October 2001 followed by the implosion of WorldCom and many others big corporations. The downfall of these major companies led to a wide spread crisis of confidence in the financial markets. A crisis caused by executive greed was able to be magnified when the gatekeepers, the auditors, lawyers and analystsRead MoreEvents Leading Up to the The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Essay examples1203 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted on July 30, 2002. It was enacted by the 107th United States Congress. It is named after sponsors U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and U.S. Representative Michael G. Oxley. It is also known as the ‘Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act’ in the Senate and ‘Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act’ in the House. The main purpose of this act was to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosuresRead MoreThe Collapse Of Enron Corporation1547 Words   |  7 Pagesdownfall of the Enron Corporation and how the collapse of Enron Corporation consequence affected the United states financial market. Enron Corporation was the seventh largest company in the United States, and had the biggest audit failure. In this Research paper, it describes the reason of Enron Corporation collapse, including details of the internal/ external management, accounting fraud, and conflict of interest. Enron is the largest bankruptcy in America history! The Collapse of Enron CorporationRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 20021563 Words   |  7 PagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was enacted to bring back public trust in markets. Building trust requires ethics within organizations. Through codes of ethics, organizations conduct themselves in a manner that promotes public trust. Through defining a code of ethics, organizations can follow, the market becomes fair for investors to have confidence in the integrity of the disclosures and financial reports given to them. The code of ethics includes the promotion of honest and ethical conductRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 20021614 Words   |  7 PagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was enacted to bring back public trust in markets. Building trust requires ethics within organizations. Through codes of ethics, organizations are put in line to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes public trust. Through defining a code of ethics, organizations can follow, market become s fair for investors to have confidence in the integrity of the disclosures and financial reports given to them. The code of ethics include â€Å"the promotion of honest andRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 20021525 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Cheeseman, 2013). Congress ordered the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX Act) to shield customers from the fraudulent exercises of significant partnerships. This paper will give a brief history of the SOX Act, portray how it will shield general society from fraud inside of partnerships, and give a presumption to the viability of the capacity of the demonstration to shield purchasers from future frauds. History of the SOX Act Congress established the Sarbanes-Oxley ActRead MoreSarbanes Oxley Act Paper934 Words   |  4 PagesRunning Head: SARBANES OXLEY ACT Sarbanes Oxley Act Introduction Sarbanes Oxley Act is focused towards identifying accounting frauds in different public companies. This paper discusses about various reasons for the introduction of Sarbanes Oxley Act and causes that has been overlooked. Causes for Sarbanes-Oxley Act Sarbanes Oxley Act is US federal law, which is established in order to set out the some standards for accounting firms, public company boards and managementRead MoreAcc403 Assign 1-Sarbanes Oxley1057 Words   |  5 PagesSarbanes-Oxley Act Student Name Professor Name ACC 403 – Auditing 8/19/2012 Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Effectiveness of Regulations. There used to be a time in the United States when there were no regulations in place to protect the public from corporate greed and deceit. Publically traded companies used the auditors they had on retainer to audit their financial statements. There was no reason to believe that such large corporations would allow their share holders to fall. That fairytale

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance of education and knowledge Free Essays

Education or knowledge could help people make better choices, but not all will make those choices. People won’t because they care about the money in their pocket. Some Just don’t care because they won’t have to live through it. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of education and knowledge or any similar topic only for you Order Now They expect younger generations to do something about it so they don’t have to. people do try to change the world, and do try very hard to do so, but if you want to make a change you have to change yourself. For somebody to change it would or will be really hard because you may have to come out of your comfort zone, which would be awkward of course. If I chose to change I myself will have to come out of that zone, the way I eat, the way I do things, what I do on my spare time and my attitude towards things. If I were to change something in the world I would try to make one day out of one month for each month of no driving.which would involve spending a lot of time researching and a lot of interviews and will have to some how get into a conference out doing some thing for the world One day each month would help slowdown global warming not by much, but it is a step closer to a better world. If Everyone did a little something to help the world they could change it a lot. Also if some people really paid attention maybe the they might try a little to change the world, like those commercials for dog shelters they wish they could take them all but they can’t because they don’t have enough money, or already have a dog or just not allowed to have a pets. For some people they may have to go extremely far if they want to complete their goal. some people don’t change very much and still change in the world like â€Å"Gandhi† Gandhi was an English lawyer that went to India, but didn’t like a law, so he set out to change this law of Indian rights. He changed by living like one of the Indians, he had a hard time changing this law, he was arrested quite a few times. But other people were killed over standing up with gandhi, but eventually beat the government had the law changed but not long after his change a war broke out because some people didn’t like the idea and so set out a riot against him. While the riot was going on gandhi said some word and they stopped and after a few days some guy killed him. It does take a lot of effort to change some thing really big, it may even involve jail or  death but not likely To change something drastically you may have to be willing to take the consequences. it only takes one human being you seen something is have to try and see we’re you may end up How to cite Importance of education and knowledge, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Personal theory multidimensional theory of psychology

Introduction As a psychologist, an individual should be fully conversant with the way that people develop various behaviors, emotions, and thinking processes. This aspect is necessary for only then will a psychologist work on programs that can help in shaping of certain negative behaviors among his or her clients.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Personal theory: multidimensional theory of psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since people are diverse in many respects due to differing personalities coupled with behavioral and cognitive developments, this paper proposes a personal theory of approaching people’s psychological problems in a multidimensional perspective point of view. The paper argues that, the outward behaviors of an individual are akin to the personality of that person. The major task in presentation of this personal theory is seeking to identify the relationship between pers onality, outward behavior of people, and their psychological development processes. In this quest, three main psychological theories are worth focusing on: behavioral theories, cognitive theories, and personality theories. From the perspectives of the personality theories, this paper argues that, psychologists should consider the patterns of people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that construct the uniqueness of an individual. On the other hand, cognitive theories focus â€Å"on internal states, such as motivation, problem solving, decision-making, thinking, and attention† (McAlister, Perry Parcel, 2008, p.168). From the contexts of behavioral theory, the paper finds its incorporation in the personal multidimensional theory necessary, since people acquire certain behaviors that determine their personality through conditioning. Additionally, crucial for consideration in the entire equation of the personal theory for resolution of people’s psychological chall enges is the embracement of roles of motivation in shaping people’s cognitions and behaviors. The purpose of incorporation of the three theories, in the multidimensional personal theory proposed in this paper, is pegged on the idea that, human thought motivation may amount to development of certain behaviors to differing people in different extents. Personality structures of people In an attempt to propose a personal theory to explain people’s behaviors from the contexts of personality structures, the meaning of the term personality should be pin pointed with regard to the proposed theory. For purposes of explanation in this section, the term â€Å"personality† will be taken to refer to differences among people or to underscore what makes people unique. Essentially, personality traits entangle individual differences.Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For psychologists to deliver utmost good to their clients, it is significant that they cutely understand the elements that constitute the personality of the clients who are diverse and heterogeneous. In my personal theory, personality of people undergoes continuous changes akin to the differing exposure to experiences and to environmental factors such education. Sigmund Freud proposed three structures constituting the personality of individuals. These are ego, superego and id. Eissle (1990) argues, â€Å"Each of these structures is responsible for some aspect of our thinking and behavior† (p.198). Id is depictive of people’s needs desires, wants and instant gratification among other things. Even though many people may not be aware of this significant element of their psych, it entangles one of the crucial driving forces for determining individual behavior. Id runs deep in the innate want for individuals to have pleasure and to some extent indulgence. However, as Gay (1989 ) asserts, â€Å"Freud’s view, the id is totally unconscious; it has no contact with reality† (p.101). This implies that people have no control of some of the behaviors they develop. Opposed to id, the ego is personality aspect that develops as children grow. It occurs due to contact with reality. In psychology, this aspect is normally termed as â€Å"executive branch of personality because it used in reasoning to make decisions† (Eissle, 1990, p. 199). In my personal theory, element should be investigated in individuals since serving as a psychological counselor would demand that a stimuli is artificially created to prompt people to reason logically. This would help them in conducting a thorough analysis of their problem, so that a myriad of causes of the problems can be determined. From this myriad of causes, individuals can be capacitated to select the things they need to do and the things they do not have to do through reason as the basis of making their dec isions (Freud, 1923, p.147). To help in the realization of this noble role of a counselor, people should have the capacity to make decisions on the right and the wrong things: something that calls for magnificent deployment of the knowledge of personality’s aspect of superego. The superego aspect constitutes the moral aspect of people’s personality, â€Å"it takes into account whether something is right or wrong† (Eissle 1990, p.203). In the context of my personal theory, I believe that people decisions to make certain indulgences are prompted by their conscience. In my personal theory, I believe that the three elements of the personality, as proposed by Freud, continuously interact in a non-homogeneous manner. This means that one element of personality is always against the other. For instance, the superego and id make the ego aspect of personality face difficulties.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Personal theory: multidimensi onal theory of psychology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Arguably, a scenario where the ego desires to steal from people, but with precautions to avoid being caught in fear of the legal consequences, can exemplify this argument. On the other hand, the ego says that it is necessary to steal amid the legal consequences since money is critical for pleasure in life. Nevertheless, the superego is continuously working. It nullifies the decisions taken by the other aspects of personality claiming that, it is inappropriate to steal since I would feel the same way in case other people steal from me. Therefore, it is necessary for the ego to resolve the emerging conflict between the demands placed by desires of the Id, and the limitations that are imposed by the superego. In this end, I suggest that this can be accomplished via defense mechanisms to ensure that reality is distorted. This makes the superego be amply protected from the imminent anxieties. This argument is perhaps more enhanced with consideration of the fact that â€Å"when the ego blocks the pleasurable pursuits of the id, inner anxiety is felt† (Eissle, 1990, p.201). The implication of this argument is that, it is widely anticipated that distressed conditions are anticipated whenever the ego element realizes that the id can cause any harm to an individual. Stemming from this argument, I believe that anxiety is the chief mechanism through which the ego is pushed to adjudicate the various eminent disputes by defending or justifying one’s position. Repressive defense mechanism is one of these defense mechanisms. In the words of Costa and McCrae, â€Å"repression is the most powerful and pervasive defense mechanism which according to Freud, it works to push unacceptable id impulse out of awareness and back into the unconscious mind† (1992, p.20). Arguably, repressive defense mechanism forms the pivot from which all other mechanism of def ense operates. This argument holds because I believe, just like Miller, that, â€Å"the overall objective of every mechanism of defense is to ensure that pushing or repression of impulses, which are threatening to the personality of an individual, are pushed out of individual awareness† (p.132). In addition to the three structures of personality proposed by Freud, I argue that personality cannot be the only theory for explaining people’s indulgences in some behaviors and not others. Consequently, other paradigms can be deployed to explain people’s behaviors such as behavioral theory, and cognitive theory. Behavioral theory Working as a psychological counselor would demand a counselor to have ample knowledge of the manner in which people develop various behaviors. This requirement is deemed necessary since I believe that not all behaviors among people are inborn- some are phenotypic. More interactively, behavioralism entangles â€Å"a theory of learning based on the perception that behaviors are acquired through conditioning† (Arnould, Price Zinkhan, 2004, p.108).Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From the perspectives of my multidimensional personal theory, it is arguable that various forms of conditioning can take place through environmental interactions in which the environmental stimuli helps to construct people’s behaviors. Upon the construction of the behaviors, people become different depending on the environmental stimuli that they have been exposed to. Consequently, behavior conditioning becomes one of the ways of helping people to make choices on what to do and what they ought not to do. The applicability of behavioralism theory in counseling is pegged on the idea that, it is possible to learn people’s behaviors without necessarily having to consider the mental processes on such persons. In my counseling, I would approach conditioning from two dimensions. These are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. As argued before, the interaction between the ego, superego, and id produced anxieties. These anxieties can be reduced substantively by deplo yment of classical conditioning approaches in psychological counseling. For instance, supposing a tutor wants to apply the concepts of behavioral theory to induce positive learning in class. Classical conditioning can act a subtle tool for ensuring this endeavor is achieved by helping in minimization of classroom anxieties and fear. For example, when a situation that provokes anxiety; such and making students perform a task in front of their peers, providing a surrounding that is pleasant can enormously aid a student to learn new ways and associations. When such conditioning is done, it is possible for the student to calm and become relaxed instead of being tensed and or anxious. Consequently, repeated exposure to such situations may help to build strong personality within the students. Gay (1989) adds weight in this argument by positing that â€Å"classical conditioning technique is also useful in the treatment of phobia or anxiety problems† (p.67). The concept of classical conditioning applied to students may also be extended in other areas, where psychological counseling is required to induce positive personality, such as management of depression and low self-esteem amongst people. For the case of operant conditioning, Gay (1989) informs, â€Å"Reinforcement and punishment are an important concept in operant conditioning and an indispensable part of the learning process† (p.125). Through reinforcement schedules, it is possible to induce fast learning and fast instillation of desired behaviors. However, in my personal theory, I believe that human beings are freethinking beings who are guided by reason. Hence, it is not desired that punishment be administered to make people develop certain behaviors, which are then integrated in their personality traits. Consequently, no further treatment of operant conditioning is considered since it is not essential in my personal theory. Rather, I find it crucial to consider how cognitive development theory m ay interact with personality, so that it can be deployed in my multidimensional theory for psychology counseling. Cognitive theory The main concern of cognitive theory is the thinking processes deployed by people. â€Å"It also looks at how these thoughts processes influence how people understand and interact with the world† (McAlister, Perry, Parcel, 2008, p.169). The main question that remains is how I would apply cognitive theory, in my multidimensional theory, to induce healing process of psychologically related problems among different people. In this end, the fundamental premise akin to deployment of cognitive theory in the healing process lies in the grounds that, to induce healing, â€Å"the way we think about or perceive ourselves and others, determines how we respond to the world with our emotions and behaviors† (McAlister, Perry, Parcel, 2008, p.173). Thus, the overall goal of the healing process entails altering the manner in which people think about themse lves coupled with the way they perceive the environment around them, while not negating the entire world they live in. Cognitive theory is central in my multidimensional theory of psychological counseling. It acts as merger of both personality theory and behavioral theory: the three theories being the constituents of the multidimensional personal theory, because â€Å"cognitive theory is focused on the individual’s thoughts as the determinate of his or her emotions and behaviors and therefore personality† (Miller, 2005, p.105). This argument implies that without thoughts, people cannot develop emotions since they would not know when they are offended or treated justly. Without thoughts, behaviors would improbably function. Essentially, therefore, thoughts precede actions and feelings. In my personal theory, I believe that altering the manner in which people think may be an immense determinant of people capacity to manage moods, anxiety or even improve their relationshi ps with others. For example, if it could be possible to change the manner in which a student perceives a situation from the dimension that such an activity may bring forth astonishment to the dimension that the activity is an opportunity to display one’s capabilities, it would be possible to reduce the student’s anxieties to nearly zero percent. The only technique applied is altering the manner in which people view and think about the world and its reality. In the multidimensional personal theory, I believe that apart from the way an individual views the world, many other factors influence the manner in which one constructs the meaning of the daily encounters. This includes government, parents, family, the state of economy and education among other factors. Arguably, these factors are outside an individual and have an immense influence on the inner person’s thought processes. In approaching the psychological problems of people, under the multidimensional persona l theory, one of the substantive factors that may lead to make people develop psychological problems including anxiety is family. Wilson is also inclined in this line of view when he describes parents as the essential constituent element of a family that shapes the perceptions of their children and the environment within which they live (2001, p. 91). This implies that parents are essential in constructing the cognitions of children about the world, which houses them. The other factors play pivotal roles in helping the children build relationships and handle various situations encountered due to the cognitions developed due parental influence (Cloud, 1999, p.12). Consequently, in my personal theory I propose that a counselor should scrutinize the familial history of individuals in an attempt to evaluate why certain persons behave in the manner they do or why their personality is constructed in a given manner. The argument here is that, the outlined factors may act as subtle motivato rs of people’s actions. In this extent, it is essential that a counselor determine what motivates people in behaving the way they do, and what motivates people to develop the portrayed personality traits. Stemming from this argument, motivation amounts to one of the essential building blocks of my personal theory. Hence, consideration of what motivation means in the context of my personal theory is critical. Explanation of motivation Motivation may contribute to the cognitions, personalities and even behaviors that are developed by people. It can explain the actions and behaviors that are portrayed by people. In more interactive way, motivation â€Å"is identified as an inner drive that reflects goal oriented arousal† (Arnould et. al., 2004, p.259). Based on this definition, it is arguable that motivation is different to personality in the sense that it is a more abstract and a deeper concept that helps in focusing people’s attention towards achieving certain go als. One of such goals would entail success. In my personal theory, I propose that, studying people’s motivations is critical in helping to engineer subtle healing process, since it is also intertwined with individual traits and the social environment. These two factors are essential constituents of personality and behavioralism consecutively. Most paramount to note is that motivation is driven by various psychographic desires and needs of individuals such power, achievement, self esteem and also affiliation. People would thus tend to work and indulge in behaviors that would facilitate achievement of these needs. Essentially, studying people’s motivation may thus truncate in development of mechanisms of identifying the reasons as to why people portray certain phenotypic traits that are depictive of their personalities, these personalities being derived from their thinking processes (cognitions). Goals are essential motivators of behaviors. Therefore, it is arguable tha t whenever goals are not meet individual tend to get upset hence depicting their emotions and feelings. In this line of argument, Crabb (1986) further asserts that, failure to meet individual goals can give fertile grounds for portrayal of negative emotions (p.29). These results in making people feel worthless. In this context, I hold that all behaviors expressed by people have motivators. These behaviors would include even doing nothing. This point at concluding that, anything that a person does is accounted for by some reason. Hence, people who hardly do anything have a psychological problem, which needs treatment. Motivation is an incredible contributor to human development. In the context of my personal theory, human development implies the integrations of people’s cognitions (thinking process) and behaviors throughout the lifetime of a person. Thus, the experiences that people develop in their lifetime are critical in making them live mentally healthy or unhealthy. In th e prescription of treatment for mental psychological disorders, it is thus vital that a counselor make ample consideration of the experiences that people go through and why such situations occurred. The utmost goal here is to establish the motivators of the client’s circumstances leading to his or her condition. From the perspective of my personal theory, these motivators are traceable from the client’s personality, cognitions and behaviors, which are either intrinsically or extrinsically developed. Additionally, in the realm of personal motivations, the roles played by family stand centrally in determining behaviors and personalities of individuals. To exemplify this argument, Wilson notes that, children who are provided with security coupled with safety stands higher chances of growing into psychologically healthy individuals (2001, p. 97). Therefore, it is imperative to note that people who lack these two essential things may end up displaying antisocial behaviors c oupled with increased likelihoods of being negative thinkers. Effectiveness of my personal theory Incorporation of concepts of cognitive theory in my multidimensional theory is deemed fruitful, since many other researchers have used it successfully in treatment processes. Among the many other researchers who have contributed richly to this field, include Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck. As Eissle (1990) reckons, â€Å"Beck developed several assessment techniques such as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) which are both exceptionally popular quick assessments of an individual’s functioning† (p.201). On the other hand, Ellis claims that cognitive theory concepts are critical in aiding to overcome numerous negative elements of personality. Additionally, a wide body of research has proved this idea, particularly when it comes to application of cognitive theory in treatment of disorders such as anxiety and depressive disorders, relational d ifficulties, interpersonal problems and agers among other psychological challenges. Indeed, according to Arnould et al. (2004) â€Å"some research even suggests that cognitive treatment, especially when combined with some behavioral aspects such as relaxation provides better and more long-lasting results than medication in the treatment of depression† (p.211). Although cognitive theory posses criticisms, it is anticipated that its criticisms are countered by the fact that my personal theory is multidimensional. Hence, it takes into consideration of the strengths of personality and behavioral theories. Conclusion Many psychological theories have been developed since Sigmund Freud developed the personality theory. For every theory, criticisms exist for its effectiveness in resulting to healing processes for psychological problems that people encounter. However, amid the challenges of any one theory, this paper recognizes that, every theory has elements of efficacy in contributi ng to the management of psychological problems. A personal theory- multidimensional theory is proposed. This theory cuts across personality, behavioral, and cognitive theory. The ability of this theory to result into relevant management of psychological problems faced by people is pegged on the idea that, as children grow, they develop cognitions of the world that they live in and reflect this cognition through their behaviors. In turn, these behaviors are depictive of their personalities. However, every behavior expressed outwardly by an individual is owed to certain forces of motivations. Consequently, my perusal theory maintains that, motivations are the central determinants of why people do some things and not others. Therefore, in the treatment processes, psychologists ought to study people’s motivations to their behaviors in the attempt to determine likely causes of their indulgences and thinking processes. Reference List Arnould, E., Price, l., Zinkhan, G. (2004). The ories of psychology. Boston: McGraw- Hill/Irwin. Cloud, H., Townsend, J. (1999). Boundaries in marriage. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. Costa, P., McCrae, R. (1992). Normal personality assessment in clinical practice: The NEO Personality Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 45 (7), 20-22. Crabb, L. (1986). Effective biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christians become capable counselors. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Eissle, K. (1990). The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis. American Journal of Psychology, 21(2), 196–218. Freud, S. (1923). â€Å"Neurosis and Psychosis†. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XIX (1923–1925): The Ego and the Id and Other Works. Oxford: Oxford publishers. Gay, P. (1989). The Freud Reader. New York: W.W. Norton. McAlister, A., Perry, L., Parcel, S. (2008). How Individuals, Environments, and Health Behaviors Interact: Social Cognitive Theory. San Francisco, CA : John Wiley Sons. Miller, K. (2005). Communication Theories: Perspectives, Processes, and Contexts. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Wilson, S. (2001). Hurt people hurt people: Hope and healing for yourself and you relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. This critical writing on Personal theory: multidimensional theory of psychology was written and submitted by user Hadley Hendricks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.