Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Differences Between Family And Parent Families - 3378 Words

It is not uncommon for a child in today’s society to be raised in a single-parent household Compared to peers in intact families, adolescents in single-parent families and stepfamilies seem more likely to engage in delinquency as I research. This relationship appears to be operating through differences in family processes parental involvement, supervision, monitoring, and parent child closeness—between intact and non-intact families and peers living in traditional intact families (two married-biological parents), youths living in two-biological-parent blended families, two biological- parent cohabiting families, biological mother- stepfather families, biological-mother cohabiting partner families, biological-mother only families, biological father-cohabiting partner families, biological-father-only families, grandparent only families, and foster families engaged, on average, in higher levels of antisocial behavior. These practices are contemplated by (Parke, 2003)youth s sexual orientation, race, age, private status and family environment that are extending from fleeing from home, being suspended from school, substance misuse to carrying out minor property wrongdoing, taking part in vicious conduct, and getting to be captured. single parent families are more prone to participate in reprobate acts including genuine property wrongdoings mulling over teenagers and folks attributes and family techniques, for example, parental inclusion, parental supervision, parentalShow MoreRelatedFamilies in the 1960’s and Today615 Words   |  3 PagesFamilies in the 1960’s and Today Kiana Joyner American Intercontinental University Abstract This paper will discuss the differences between families from the 1960’s and the families of today. There are many differences between the different times. I have focused on the parentage portion of the families. 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Just as in the 19th Century, Cutler (2000) points out that â€Å"parents and teachers can be adversaries, allies, or advocates for each other and the cause of better education† (p. 198). Although it seems to be recognized in America that families and schools must form strong partnerships and work togetherRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Children And Children1548 Words   |  7 Pagescause the differences in an increased need for help between divorced family children and two-parent family children: parental loss, economic loss, more life stress, poor parental adjustment, lack of parental competence, and exposure to conflict between parents. This paper examines the research on how divorce negatively effects children, and explores the unanswered question of how it effects them through young adulthood. Introduction Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage between two people

Monday, December 23, 2019

Indonesia Is A Culturally Rich Nation - 2255 Words

Introduction As the world’s largest Southeastern Asian economy with a population of over 200 million, Indonesia possesses attractive prospects for business and enterprise. Alongside the election of President Widodo who intends to increase foreign investment and improve infrastructure, this could serve as an opportune time to get involved with the island nation. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the propensity to manage internationally becomes imminent. This guide is intended to benefit the international manager in conducting operations in Indonesia. Its purpose is to provide the manager with a comprehensive background regarding cultural practices, as well as an interpretive lens and recommendations for best practice. Indonesia†¦show more content†¦The mining, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors are the bread-winners for Indonesia. In 2010, United States President, Barack Obama visited Indonesia and commented that Indonesia is an example of how a developing nation should embrace cultural diversity and democracy. In 2014 Indonesia’s new President, Joko Widodo, planned to end government corruption and improve the economic reform. Indonesia currently struggles with extreme poverty, inadequate infrastructure for the rapidly growing nation, and economic and social reform issues. It has implemented a 20 year development social and infrastructure revision plan beginning in 2005 and projected to end in 2025. The Land Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and is the fourth most populous island in the world. There are a total of 17,508 islands and nearly 6,000 islands remain uninhabited. It is nearly three times the size of Texas. The U.S. is five times the size of Indonesia. There are five large islands that include: Java, Sumatera, Papau, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Although, Bali and Komodo islands are more well known to tourists. The country can be observed in two parts: Western and Eastern. The western side is where over 80 percent of Indonesia’s total GDP is obtained and the western side is located near Malaysia and Singapore. The eastern side is more remote and less densely populated. Indonesia’s natural resources include: silver and

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ethics and Values in Modern Media Free Essays

Ethics and Values in Modern Day Media â€Å"The public has an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Values in Modern Media or any similar topic only for you Order Now † — Oscar Wilde. Few would doubt that the media is one of the few platforms that affords people the ability to inform, entertain, and influence society. The privilege of having such voice and influence comes with great responsibility. It is crucial that those in a position of such power behave in a responsible and ethical manner. Journalist across all mediums are held to a strong ethical standard in their profession as their work can to completely change the publics view of any given topic or event. It is obvious that technology is having a tremendous impact on all forms of media. While past generations waited for the evening news or the morning paper, people today are reaching for the internet at any time of the day or night to get the latest information. While this instant access has helped curb the public’s insatiable curiosity for information, it has also raised a whole new set of questions regarding the ethics and values in the media industry. One of the most compelling questions to arise out of this new era is whether the media industry has forsaken its core ethics and values for its own gain. Values are very personal choices which are compromised of the individual experiences in life. They are choices that help one prioritize their life. Values can be influenced by a number of factors such as family, upbringing, religion, and society. They help one define and project character attributes such as loyalty, compassion and honesty. Values are instrumental in how we behave and the choices we make. Ethics are professional rules that define how different groups of people should behave. There is a distinct sense of right and wrong with little room for â€Å"grey† or questionable behavior. Ethics guide and dictate what is professional and acceptable to each given profession. To behave ethically is to behave in a manner consistent with what is right and or moral for the profession. Values and ethics are forever at a crossroads because today’s society pushes towards personal wealth. The stakes are constantly raised as far as what it takes to gain that wealth. (,2010). It is not uncommon for people to share private information, set someone up, edit what a person has said or completely alter a picture someone has taken for their gain. It is in situations like this that values are tested and ethics are ignored. Professional values and ethics are commonly derived from government laws and regulations, state licensing boards, and trade associations. A professions code of conduct will â€Å"contain provisions that are designed to advise, guide, and regulate behavior on the job. † (Madsen Shafritz, 1990, p. 205). There are also federal, state and local laws which regulate and enforce most professional industries. According to The United States Department of Labor (n. d), Government agencies such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) were created to â€Å"assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women; by authorizing enforcement of the standards developed under the Act; by assisting and encouraging the States in their efforts to assure safe and healthful working conditions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  . Professional associations such as the Society of Professional Journalist also have their own values and ethics which are set forth to guide their members. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility. (Society of Professional Journalist, 1996). Each association clearly outlines its expectations in hopes that all members will abide by them and act in a professional manner. One of the biggest sectors of media affected by e thical conflicts is the advertising market. â€Å"For some business ethicists, advertising is one of the most crucial issues in corporate ethics because its pervasiveness and because of its power to mold consumer thinking and behavior. For example, many have argued that advertising is a form of a behavior control, given its subtle psychological persuasion and its repetitiveness. One such argument holds that advertising creates in the mind of the consumer a need – not just want – for that which is advertised. When the consumer in question happens to be a child subjected to a barrage of TV ads about toys, sugared cereals, candy, and so on, then the ethics of advertising taken as a form of behavior control is even more crucial. † (Madsen Shafritz, 1990). Photographers also face backlash as women’s advocacy groups rail against the use of airbrushed models in print media. â€Å"You have to accept that fashion is fantasy. It’s wearable art,† says Andrew Matusik, a New York fashion photographer and the owner of Digital Retouch, which specializes in celebrity and fashion retouching. â€Å"It’s all about creating drama. † (Bennett, 2008). It is widespread knowledge that any photographer with any basic graphic design skills can and will alter an image to suit his client’s needs. As technology evolves so do the ethical standards which advertisers and photographers are held to. Another form of media mired in controversy is reality based investigative news shows. One such show, Dateline’s â€Å"To Catch a Predator† purported to take child sex predators off the street as they taped a series of sting operations set up by various law enforcement agencies. The show faced a firestorm of criticism when a Dallas, Texas man committed suicide moments before he was to be arrested on charges of engaging in sexually explicit chat with a minor. The man’s family sued the network and won a substantial award. The presiding judge ruled â€Å"that the network crossed the line from responsible journalism to irresponsible and reckless intrusion into law enforcement. † (Shea, 2008). Although the show was very successful for the network, it was cancelled shortly after the lawsuit. While it is widely believed that being ethical and sticking to one’s values will lead to an honorable and decent career, the examples illustrated above show that more and more people are willing to push the envelope of professional values and ethics. Personal gain has taken a back seat to deceny and commen sense in many professions. This leaves us with an urgent and pressing question-what are professional ethics and values worth today? References: Values and Ethics. (n. d. ). Strategic Leadership and Decision Making. Retrieved from http://www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch15. html Values, Morals and Ethics. (n. d. ). Changing minds and persuasion — How we change what others think, believe, feel and do. Retrieved from http://changingminds. org/explanations/values/values_morals_ethics. tm United States Department of Labor. (n. d). OSHA. Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/oshinfo/mission. html Madsen, P. , Shafritz, J. M. (1990). Essentials of Business Ethics. New York, New York: Penguin Group Society of Professional Journalist. (1996). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from http://www. spj. org/ethicscode. asp Bennett, J. (2008, May). Picture Perfect. Newsweek, (), . Shea, D. (2008). The Huffington Post. Retri eved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2008/06/25/nbc-settles-to-catch-a-pr_n_109261. html How to cite Ethics and Values in Modern Media, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Challenges In Cyber Business For Security â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Challenges In Cyber Business For Security? Answer: Introduction Cybersecurity refers to the processes and techniques that are applied in order to protect the computer systems and networks from the various security attacks and risks. There are a number of security related issues that have been observed in the current times that lead to adverse impacts on the cyber systems and networks. There are many challenges that are associated with cyber security in the form of the implementation of the security protocols and many others. The project includes the identification of the challenges that are associated with Cybersecurity. Project Objectives The primary objectives of the project are as listed below. Analysis of the Cybersecurity challenges that are associated with the businesses Listing of the Cybersecurity issues in association with the three business organizations Learning the possible solutions that can be applied to overcome the challenges Project Scope The following activities will be accomplished in the project: Selection of the topic to carry out the research work Literature review on the topic as Challenges in cyber security for business Presentation of the research proposal on the selected topic Preparation of a reflective journal on the research work that is carried out Literature Review There are a number of challenges that are associated with the vendors and users of the computer and web-based solutions and services. Cybersecurity is associated with many different challenges in the areas of network security, implementation issues etc. Lancope is an organization that is now a part of Cisco and works in the field of providing Cybersecurity solutions to its customers. There are newer threats and forms of security attacks that are being developed by the malevolent entities. The security team and solution providers work on the known threat and issues with the use of firewalls, intrusion based detection systems, anti-malware tools etc. Lancope also faced the same challenge as there were network security solutions that were present for the threats that were already identified. With the expansion of the systems and services, attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), insider threats, Distributed Denial of Service attacks etc. have been developed. There are still mechanisms that are required to be developed to put a check on the threats that occur in real-time. Lancope is an organization that did not limit itself to the traditional practices to deal with the cyber issues and security problems. One of its applications makes use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) along with behavior analytics to deal with the Cybersecurity issues. The primary challenge that occurred in association with Lancope was to deal with the increased amount of data traffic and ensure the performance of its flow sensors accordingly. There were speed and complexity issues that were identified (Rohde-Schwarz, 2016). Cybersecurity is an advanced branch that includes the various methods and processes that shall be used and applied in order to deal with the cyber risks and attacks. There are still businesses and sectors that are not aware of the requirement and necessity of including Cybersecurity mechanisms and protocols in their architecture. One of such industries is the hospitality industry that has been observed to have many loopholes in terms of the Cybersecurity methodologies that are applied. The case study includes the analysis of Cybersecurity mechanisms in five different hotels in Reno, Nevada located in the United States. The level of Cybersecurity that was analyzed and identified in the process was found to be extremely low with a number of loopholes (Shabani, 2016). The primary issues that were observed in association with the hotels included a number of identity thefts and data breaches. The breaching of the data led to the loss of the information properties such as availability and confidentiality of the information. There are many of the silent criminals and attackers that are present in the hospitality industry. There is a large use of web based systems and applications across the entire hospitality industry. It is because of this reason that there are many access points that are present which are used by the malicious entities to enter the system that is used and silently observe the flow of activities and information. Such silent invasions lead to the problems of password captures and unauthorized recording of the activity flow which leads to the damaging impacts. Another primary issue that was observed in the hotel chains was the execution of the security audits and reviews to find out the vulnerabilities that were present. It is because of the reason that there were no updates and enhancements that were being done at a regular interval. All of these issues and security attacks lead to the loss of competitive gains and advantages over the competitors in the market. The set of issues that were identified with the hotels and the hospitality industry included a major gap in understanding the requirement of Cybersecurity mechanisms and protocols. The level of awareness of the staff members and the management units engaged with the hotels was not enough and as per the required standards. There are still obsolete methods and practices that are being used due to the lack of the knowledge and awareness in the area. The implementation of the Cybersecurity solutions also gets troublesome in such businesses as the staff members are required to be provided with the trainings on the operational and technical parameters. Loyalty programmes are run by the hotels to expand the customer base that is associated with the hotels. In case of the occurrence of security attacks and threats, the customer loyalty is also negatively impacted. Once a customer experiences a data breach, the level of customer trust and engagement drops down (Pilling, 2013). There is another case study that has been reviewed and analyzed to understand the Cybersecurity challenges that are present in various business sectors across the globe. Ontario Local Distribution Company (LDCO) is an organization that works in the area of providing electrical services and solutions to its customers. There is a wide use of smart grids, smart meters along with numerous Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the organization (Herzog, 2011). There is a lack of support staff and tools that were observed in LDCO that led to a number of different problems to manage the IT assets and to develop and implement the Cybersecurity solutions. There are manual processes that are being used for inventory control and management which may result in the configuration and security challenges. IT asset management is extremely difficult to be carried out in such cases. There is a lack of technical skills and abilities that were identified in LDCO that resulted in many of the technical issues in association with the cyber systems and solutions. The organization did not have any process of maintenance of the logs which led to difficulties in order to track a particular activity. Vulnerability management and the level of threat intelligence that was present in the organization were also very limited (Stratejm, 2016). As a result, there were a number of Cybersecurity challenges and issues that were identified in LDCO in terms of operation, technical and managerial issues. User awareness is again one of the primary challenges that has been observed in the organizations that belong to non-IT or non-technical sectors. Business organizations in the current times deal with a lot of information and data that belongs to the various categories of information, such as, sensitive information, critical information, private data, public data etc. There are three properties that are associated with each of these information categories as confidentiality of the information, integrity of the information, and availability of the information. It is extremely necessary to make sure that all of these three information properties are maintained and secured at all times. However, with the execution of a number of security risks and attacks, these properties of information get impacted in a negative manner (Vidalis, Jones and Blyth, 2004). There are many challenges that are associated with Cybersecurity that have been observed in the execution of the research processes on various business sectors. In case of the non-IT industries, the awareness of Cybersecurity and the technical skills to implement and maintain the solutions and services is extremely limited. There are many start-ups and small-scale industries that are present in these sectors. These units cannot afford to spend much on the establishment of a designated department for security control and management. There are basic tools that are being used by such organizations that provide the malevolent entities with the ability to execute the risks and attacks and gain entry to the systems. There are also many of the operational issues that have also been identified in association with these industries because of the lack of operational knowledge and skills (Lee, 2012). There are many of the newer forms of threats and attacks that are being developed. These new threats and attacks are being executed by the attackers before the resolution and prevention mechanism is created. Such threats may cause huge damage as it takes time to put a check on the same. There is a continuous work of research and development that is being carried out in the field of Cybersecurity; however, the number of issues and problems are also increasing at the same pace. The reason behind the same is the excessive use of the automated tools and applications by the clients all across the globe (Gavas, 2012). There are huge clusters of information that is present in the business organizations and units of the current times. Due to the presence of these data sets and huge information clusters, it is difficult to assign the data ownership and authority to the required personnel of department. There are ownership and responsibility issues and challenges that have been observed. As a result, the authority of the Cybersecurity practices that shall be applied along with the review to understand the standardization of the same is lacking (Crespigny, 2012). There are performance and maintenance issues that often come up in association with these systems and solutions that go unnoticed because of inadequate ownership resulting in numerous security challenges and problems. Risk management strategies and solutions that are also applied to make sure that the risks that are associated with the cyberspace are overcome. There are many of the automated tools and applications that have been developed in order to manage the risks and issues that are involved. However, these tools have a problem of their own. Some of these tools are extremely expensive which may not be in accordance with the budget of most of the organizations. The basic version of these tools does not come with the required set of features (Thannum, 2013). Also, there is a continuous monitoring and maintenance that is required in association with these tools that further enhances the cost. As a result, there are many businesses that make use of the alternative tools and practices that are not as effective as required. This results in the occurrence of many cyber risks and attacks (Markelj, 2016). Change management is another Cybersecurity challenge that has been observed in association with the business organizations. There is an immense shift in the business practices and activities that are carried out (Choi, 2013). It has led to the emergence of numerous changes and transformations in terms of the nature of activities, flow of the tasks, operational and technical activities etc. The management of all of these changes is not easy to be executed and an enhanced duration of the management and handling of these changes result in the negative impact on the productivity and efficiency levels. Conclusion The modern day businesses cannot be imagined without the use of computer systems, networks and other elements of Information Technology. There is an enhanced shift in the business practices and solutions that are being used in various sectors and industries. As a result, there are many Cybersecurity challenges that have come up. These challenges can be classified in the areas of technical challenges, operational challenges, management challenges, user awareness issues and budget constraints. It is necessary to develop the departments that may handle the risks and attacks that are involved in association with the cyberspace in the cost-effective manner to prevent and detect the same. References Choi, S. (2013). A model of analyzing cyber threats trend and tracing potential attackers based on darknet traffic. Security and Communication Networks, p.n/a-n/a. Crespigny, M. (2012). Building cyber-resilience to tackle threats. Network Security, 2012(4), pp.5-8. Gavas, E. (2012). Winning Cybersecurity One Challenge at a Time. IEEE Security Privacy, 10(4), pp.75-79. Herzog, S. (2011). Revisiting the Estonian Cyber Attacks: Digital Threats and Multinational Responses. Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), pp.49-60. Lee, M. (2012). Cyber crimes: preparing to fight insider threats. Computer Fraud Security, 2012(6), pp.14-15. Markelj, B. (2016). Comprehension of cyber threats and their consequences in Slovenia. Computer Law Security Review, 32(3), pp.513-525. Pilling, R. (2013). Global threats, cyber-security nightmares and how to protect against them. Computer Fraud Security, 2013(9), pp.14-18. Rohde-Schwarz (2016). Lancope accelerates security performance and time-to-market with Dell, RohdeSchwarz Cybersecurity Napatech. [online] Available at: https://cybersecurity.rohde-schwarz.com/sites/default/files/download/casestudy_lancope_misc_en_3607-2390-32_v0201.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Shabani, N. (2016). A Study of Cyber Security in Hospitality Industry - Threats and Countermeasures: Case Study in Reno, Nevada. [online] Available at: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1705/1705.02749.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Stratejm (2016). Case Study: Cyber Security-as-a-Service. [online] Available at: https://stratejm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/SECaaS-Case-Study-Cyber-Security-as-a-Service.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Thaanum, J. (2013). Threats to Cyber Security: The Dangers of Malicious Mobile Code, Users, and the iPhone. Journal of Applied Security Research, 8(4), pp.490-509. Vidalis, S., Jones, A. and Blyth, A. (2004). Assessing cyber-threats in the information environment. Network Security, 2004(11), pp.10-16.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Rise And Fall Of Hitler Reich Essays - Adolf Hitler,

The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich title = The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich The Rise and Fall of Hitlers Reich Feeling that all was lost, Hitler shot himself on April 30, 1945. By orders formally given by him before his death, SS officers immersed Hitler's body in gasoline and burned it in the garden of the Chancellery. Soon after the suicide of Hitler, the German forces surrendered. The war was officially over; however, the world was only beginning to realize the extent of its horror. The rise and sudden fall of Hitler had a sensational effect on people and nations around the world. On Easter Sunday April 20, 1889, at an inn called the Gasth of Zum Pommer, the wife of an Austrian Customs official gave birth to a son, Adolf Hitler. He was the fourth child to the parents of Alois and Klara Hitler of Austria. Hitler was a good student. He took singing lessons and sang in the church choir. When he hit an adolescent age, he began to rebel. When Hitler's dad acquired a top ranking job in the military, he wanted his son to work hard so that he might become a civil servant. Hitler wanted nothing of it. He wanted to become an artist like he always dreamed. One of the teachers in his high school classified young Hitler as "notorious, cantankerous, willful, arrogant, and irascible. He has an obvious difficulty in fitting in at school." He did well enough to get by in some of his courses but had no time for subjects that did not interest him. Years later, his former school mates would remember how Adolf would taunt his teachers and draw sketches of them in his school notebooks. Forty years later, in the sessions at his headquarters which produced the record of his table talk, Hitler recalled several times the teachers of his school days with contempt. "They had no sympathy with youth. Their one object was to stuff our brains and turn us into erudite apes themselves. If any pupil showed the slightest trace of originality, they persecuted him relentlessly". Adolf saw no real reason to stay in high school. He left school at age sixteen without a leaving certificate. In September 1907, Hitler left home taking with him all the money left to him by his father, who had died a few years earlier. The money would be enough for tuition and board at the art school in Vienna. The Vienna School of Fine Arts had strict entrance requirements. After taking the preliminary examination, the applicant was asked to submit drawings. Biblical drawings were most preferred. Hitler's drawings were returned saying they were "too wooden and too lifeless." He was rejected. He tried three months later and did not get past the preliminary exam. His artist career was over. His mother died two months later on December 21st 1907. Hitler moved into an apartment with his friend in Vienna. He pretended to be a student living off his relatives money. He read many books and sat in on the Austrian government sessions . Hitler speaks of his life in Vienna as "five years in which I had to earn my daily bread, first as a casual laborer, then as a painter of little trifles." He loitered about the streets and was hungry. He painted water postcards and peddled them on the streets. He drew several advertising posters for such things as soap, cigarettes, and deodorant. In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich. Life was not much better there until the First World War started in 1914. While many people were frightened and sad at the thought of a world war, Hitler was delighted. He held the rank of corporal, and in forty-seven battles he served on the Western Front as a dispatch runner, delivering messages back and forth between the front lines and the officers in the rear. His courage during one of these missions earned him the Iron Cross, a highly prized medal for bravery that was rarely awarded to a mere corporal . On October 13th 1918, a month before Germany surrendered to the Allies, his good luck ran out. When Hitler and his fellow dispatch runners were waiting in

Monday, November 25, 2019

Soup a Model Essay Example

Soup a Model Essay Example Soup a Model Essay Soup a Model Essay Comparing differences and similarities:  These two adverts designed by Cup a soup advertising Slim a soup both have similar design ideas and both use the same idea to promote the product in slightly different ways. Although this product is advertised towards two different ages that have many similarities such as that both of the designs are done in a biro effect. If you go through the adverts you notice many similarities starting with the first line in both adverts the word Instant is highlighted. Also the second line which in both adverts is the boldest has the main pun of the two adverts Soup a Model both underlined. The advert then continues with two steps the first step refers to super models in one way or another. In one lips and the other dress sizes, these two items referring to being a super model are also aimed at two different ages. The second point in both adverts refers to the soup Slim a Soup and gives basic directions to how to use the soup. Although these two adverts have the same ideas throughout and have a lot of similarities there are also many differences, which makes the two adverts stand out from each other such as the first two lines on each advert are done with different type faces and also in the first line the word Instant is highlighted in different ways one is in bolder type the other is boxed to add more emphasis. In the second line the tittle is underlined in both adverts but in different ways. For the next two points the typeface from the title is continued into the sub-titles but a smaller version. In point one in both adverts, although both of them are talking about being a super model they do it in two different ways, one focuses on having the perfect lips aimed at older teenagers or even younger women, and the other is about a black, size 6 garment aimed at older women. Finally the last points both talk about the soup, but one contains a pun about the garments of clothing talked about in one of the adverts. Review:  I think these adverts work really well mainly due to them being so unconventional and that they attract you to look at them really well. The main pun Soup a Model helps advertise Slim a Soup really well as it portrays an image of everything the designers want you to think of Slim a Soup such as Weight loss, good looks and also that it is really stylish and that the likes of real models will be drinking Slim a Soup to loose weight. Also the fact that it is drawn in biro helps advertise it because doodling about yourself being a model on a piece of paper is something that a lot of women can relate to which in its self puts the on to a level of understanding women can easily relate to. Comments: I think both these adverts are both really good and advertise Slim a Soup really well. I really like the pun Soup a Model used throughout the two adverts it also tells us everything Slim a Soup is made out to be. I also like the picture of the lips I think it looks really good and it portray a good image in your mind. I dont like the dress idea that much as there isnt enough colour and makes the adverts look a little dull. I really like the fact that it is done in biro, as it is really different and unusual.  My own advert:  For this I will be using ideas from the two adverts I have been studying and design a similar one for an in-between age group of about 20-35. I will be keeping the layout and puns the same but change points 1 and 2 to fit my new age group.

Friday, November 22, 2019


In 1787. a group of representatives from the 13 colonies met all together to discuss the Articles of Confederations weaknesses and to make a new Constitution. They disputed, debated, and talked about It for 4 months until they created the U. S. Constitution. In my essay, I will discuss some weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and I will also discuss how they resolved It. I will also discuss some weaknesses that remained in the Constitution when it was passed. One of the Articles of Confederations weaknesses was that each state makes their wn money. It was difficult for the states to trade with each other. If the states used the same kind of money, it would encourage more trading between them which is easier than making their own money. Another weakness was that John Jay mentions that the new government would be fair and enough. Thereby, the people were saying that the weakness of the old government which was the Articles of Confederation was unorganized and not fair. It had no federal court system, so each state made up their own laws and had their wn courts which may have led to a corruption. One weakness that remained In the Constitution even when It was passed was that Thomas Jefferson mentions that the only important thing that was not in the Constitution was a Bill of Rights. So, the federalists promised to include a Bill of Rights In the constltuuon once It will pass. The Bill of Right were the first 10 amendments, which included the freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, etc Another weakness was that the Articles of Confederation had only one house of overnment, but the Constitution provides for fair representation in the government.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Venezuela's economic environment Research Paper

Venezuela's economic environment - Research Paper Example This means that the country has a great share in the geopolitical structure of the world. Venezuela, at 2013, is the world’s 34th largest economy with a GDP of $ 407.4 billion (Central Intelligence Agency 1). It experienced a growth rate of 1.6 percent, which is attributed to a slow and unstable recovery from the 2008’s world recession. In 2012, it experienced a growth rate of 5.6 percent. Besides, it has Per Capita GDP of $ 13, 600. This is the world’s 99th largest PPP. Oil forms a major part of Venezuelan economy since it contributes 96 percent of its export earnings, 12 percent of its GDP, and 45 percent of its annual budget. Manufacturing forms a huge percent of Venezuelan’s economy as the country exports steel, cement, and aluminum. The industry sector contributes 35.5% of the country’s GDP. Agriculture forms a mere 3.7 percent of the economy suggesting that the sector is underdeveloped. Although it exports agricultural products such as fish, the country imports two-thirds of its food supplies. The services’ sector is occupi es the largest part of the GDP, 60.8 % thereby employing 70.9 percent of the Venezuelan population. In terms of economic freedom index, the country has a score of 36.3 thereby making it a repressed economy. This means that there is limited individual freedom and liberty as pertains to investment and economic prosperity. The government has a big stake in economic activities, which in turn limits innovation and individual economic prosperity. It is essential, however, to note that Hugo Chavez, the former president, nationalized the oil industry in order to prevent conflicts and eliminate corruption. Venezuela experiences significant economic problems that correspond with state control of economic activities. Venezuela has a corruption index of 20 and ranks 166th in the world. This also

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Comparison and Contrast of ANCC and AANP Certification Process and Research Paper

Comparison and Contrast of ANCC and AANP Certification Process and Board Certification Examination - Research Paper Example The present study focuses on a comparison and contrast of these two certification and board examinations. ANCC and AANP: Comparison and Contrast: The nursing practitioners are allowed to take both the examination. However, it is a choice of the candidate to take either one of the exams or both (Difference Between AANP and ANCC, 2012). The ANCC is credentialing body of the American Nurses Association (ANA).The exams for credential presently being offered to nurse practitioners are for the following fields: adult, family, paediatric, gerontology, acute care, adult or family psychiatric and mental health, and advanced diabetes management. The AANP is a branch of learning organization that caters to only nurse practitioners. It is at present contributing in three specialty exams: adult, family, and geriatric nurse practitioner (Leik, 2008, p.1). The American Nurses Credentialing Center is the biggest and most esteemed nurse credentialing organization in the world (ANCC Certification Cent er, 2012). In general, the ANCC revises their examinations for the nurse practitioner in every 2 to 3 years. The questions in the exam are mostly suggested from most important textbooks, national expert panel guidelines, papers, and official governmental reports and statistics. The suggestion sources for AANP exams are not recognized in public. The substance of their examinations is supported on the results of a responsibility description learning that was carried out by both the AANP and the Professional Examination Service. The examinations for both the certifications are now computer based thus being online conducted within a particular time frame. However, the number of questions varies for the two tests. For ANCC examination, the total number of questions is 175, while for AANP, 150 questions are in total for the test. Both the certifications are in the same way acknowledged as national specialty organizations, and credentials granted by them are acceptable to governmental bodi es such as Medicare, local state agencies such as the state boards of nursing (BON), and private corporations (Leik, 2008, pp.2-3). The AANP examinations have been organized and developed by AANP itself and the Professional Examination Service (PES).  On the other hand, it is the ANCC that organizes the ANCC certification examination. The range of programs covered by AANP is lesser in comparison to ANCC. ANCC provides further diverse range of programs including the Acute Care, Adult, Adult Psychiatric & Mental Health, Diabetes Management, Family, Family Psych & Mental Health, Gerontological, Paediatric, School, Ambulatory Care, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cardiac Vascular, College Health, Community Health, High-Risk Prenatal, Informatics, Maternal-Child, and Medical-Surgical Nursing among others (Difference Between AANP and ANCC, 2012). To study and analyse accurately, there are not many differences in the two examinations except the wide range of subjects covered under the ANCC certi fication. As far as the examinations are concerned, taking any one of the examinations would provide the nursing practitioner with the opportunity to serve in their choice of fields in nursing. However, in order to qualify for the certification examination both the tests require that the nursing candidates hold an active current licence of Registered Nurses (RN) within a state or territory of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Negative Effects of War Essay Example for Free

Negative Effects of War Essay In â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story,† Tim O’Brien presents many themes within his story. One major theme is the negative effects of war on a soldier. Many situations arise in the story that bring out the theme to make it easy to understand for the reader. The effects of war can be very harmful to a soldier’s life, and he or she can be scarred forever. When Bob Kiley’s friend, Curt Lemon, dies at the beginning of the story, Kiley takes the time to write Lemon’s sister. He wrote about what a good guy Lemon was and the many adventures that he took. Kiley explained that Lemon was a dare devil and a soldier that loved what he did. Bob Kiley did not have to write to his friend’s sister at all, but he did it out of kindness. He poured his heart out into the letter because he wanted his friend’s sister to understand what a great guy he was. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[h]e says he loved the guy. He says the guy was his best friend in the world. They were like soul mates, he says, like twins or something, they had a whole lot in common† (O’Brien 347). Kiley went into detail about some events, but he wanted this girl to know everything. He sent the letter and he waited for two months for one in return. She never sent Bob Kiley a letter back and he got upset. The negative effects of war made him go into detail about the story and that may have made the sister not write him. When a soldier sends a letter to someone, all they want is one in return. It makes them feel good when they know someone is at home thinking about them too. War can make a soldier feel alone and having someone to write to can make them feel wanted. Kiley felt alone and used when he did not get a letter in return. He wrote the letter out of kindness and all he wanted was a thank you from the girl. If she would have sent Kiley a letter in return he would have felt better about himself. When Curt Lemon died, the story portrays his death three different times. Each time his death is told it is told in different ways. Curt Lemon’s death was caused by a booby-trap buried in the ground. The story portrays him floating into the sunlight through the trees. The negative effects of war can cause soldiers to remember someone’s death in detail. They remember him being blown into pieces as he was killed. Remembering vivid details about someone else’s death can cause disturbing flashbacks in a soldier’s life. The death of Curt Lemon caused Bob Kiley to take out his frustration on a baby water buffalo. When they stopped to rest for the night Kiley takes an unexpected turn and shoots the buffalo in the leg. He continuously tortures the animal, as the others soldiers watch in disbelief. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[t]he whole platoon stood there watching, feeling all kinds of things, but there wasn’t a great deal of pity for the baby water buffalo† (O’Brien 352). The buffalo takes the torture and never reacts. The negative effects of war caused Bob Kiley to do something that no one could ever believe doing. He lost his best friend, so he took his pain out on the water buffalo. Any soldier in their right mind would have enough sense not to kill an animal, but the negative effects of war can change people. Kiley will never be the same because of the things he had to endure during his time of duty. War can change a soldier in many ways. They may go home and never be the same as before they left. Often, soldiers will tell stories, but they will not be entirely true. O’Brien’s narrator tells the reader that, â€Å"[i]n war you lose your sense of the definite, hence your sense of truth itself, and therefore it’s safe to say that in a true war story nothing much is ever very true† (O’Brien 354). The negative effects of war can be very harmful to a soldier’s life.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Attila The Hun Essay -- essays research papers

Attila the Hun is known as one of the most ferocious leaders of ancient times. He was given the nickname â€Å"Scourge God† because of his ferocity. During the twentieth century, â€Å"Hun† was one of the worst name you could call a person, due to Attila. The Huns were a barbaric and savage group of people, and Attila, their leader, was no exception. He was the stereotypical sacker of cities and killer of babies. The Huns lasted long after their disappearance in mythology and folklore, as the bad guy. Generally, they were not fun people to be around. Priscus saw Attila the Hun at a banquet in 448. Priscus described him as being a short, squat man with a large head and deep-set eyes. He also had a flat nose and a thin beard. Historians say that his general personality was irritable, blustering, and truculent. He was said to be a persistent negotiator, and not at al pitiless. While Priscus was at the banquet in 448, he observed a few other details about Attila. All of Attila’s chief lieutenants were served dainties on silver platters, but he was served only meat on wooden plates. No other real qualities of Attila as a general really survived through time, but he is thought to have been an outstanding commander from his accomplishments as a barbarian. Huns themselves were mysterious and feared people. They first appeared in the Fourth Century around the Roman Empire. They rode their warhorses around and cause the Germanic barbarians and Romans alike to fear them. Yet, it was said that they were very uncivilized. It was said that they made no use of fire, and just ate the roots of plants they found in fields. They were also said to have eaten the almost raw meat of animals. The only reason the meat was â€Å"almost raw† was because they were said to have â€Å"cooked† it by placing it between their thighs and the backs of their horses to give it warmth. The Huns sometimes engaged in regular battle. They would attack in an order of columns, and scream very disorderly and savage cries. Most of the time, though, the Huns just fought in a very random way. They would scream and run about and then all come together in a large group. They would then, as a group, approach the camp or town of the people they were attacking, and destroy it. Most of the time, the people the Huns attacked never even saw them coming. There were many ways in which the Huns chose to fight. They often s... ...y. They sacked many cities, including Aquilieia, Patavium, Verona, Brixia, Bergomum, and Mediolamun. There wasn’t much Aetius could do about this. Luckily, famine and pestilence caused the Huns to leave before crossing the Apennines. In 453, Attila planned to attack the Eastern Empire because the Emperor wasn’t paying the money set in previous treaties (author’s note: Don’t these emperors ever learn anything?). Nothing ever actually came of these plans because, quite suspiciously, Attila died in his bed the night after his marriage. When Attila was buried, the Huns went through a lot of trouble. They had to kill anyone who was involved with the burial, so that no one would know of the exact place that Attila was buried. Attila was succeeded by his sons, between which the empire was divided. Attila didn’t have a huge impact on history, because the Romans very well could have done without him. He mainly caused trouble for the Romans, and killed a lot of innocent people just to get his way. Attila the Hun was one of the most important kings of the Huns, though, and he definitely has his place in history, as a barbaric, baby-killing, rude leader of a very ruthless group of warriors. Attila The Hun Essay -- essays research papers Attila the Hun is known as one of the most ferocious leaders of ancient times. He was given the nickname â€Å"Scourge God† because of his ferocity. During the twentieth century, â€Å"Hun† was one of the worst name you could call a person, due to Attila. The Huns were a barbaric and savage group of people, and Attila, their leader, was no exception. He was the stereotypical sacker of cities and killer of babies. The Huns lasted long after their disappearance in mythology and folklore, as the bad guy. Generally, they were not fun people to be around. Priscus saw Attila the Hun at a banquet in 448. Priscus described him as being a short, squat man with a large head and deep-set eyes. He also had a flat nose and a thin beard. Historians say that his general personality was irritable, blustering, and truculent. He was said to be a persistent negotiator, and not at al pitiless. While Priscus was at the banquet in 448, he observed a few other details about Attila. All of Attila’s chief lieutenants were served dainties on silver platters, but he was served only meat on wooden plates. No other real qualities of Attila as a general really survived through time, but he is thought to have been an outstanding commander from his accomplishments as a barbarian. Huns themselves were mysterious and feared people. They first appeared in the Fourth Century around the Roman Empire. They rode their warhorses around and cause the Germanic barbarians and Romans alike to fear them. Yet, it was said that they were very uncivilized. It was said that they made no use of fire, and just ate the roots of plants they found in fields. They were also said to have eaten the almost raw meat of animals. The only reason the meat was â€Å"almost raw† was because they were said to have â€Å"cooked† it by placing it between their thighs and the backs of their horses to give it warmth. The Huns sometimes engaged in regular battle. They would attack in an order of columns, and scream very disorderly and savage cries. Most of the time, though, the Huns just fought in a very random way. They would scream and run about and then all come together in a large group. They would then, as a group, approach the camp or town of the people they were attacking, and destroy it. Most of the time, the people the Huns attacked never even saw them coming. There were many ways in which the Huns chose to fight. They often s... ...y. They sacked many cities, including Aquilieia, Patavium, Verona, Brixia, Bergomum, and Mediolamun. There wasn’t much Aetius could do about this. Luckily, famine and pestilence caused the Huns to leave before crossing the Apennines. In 453, Attila planned to attack the Eastern Empire because the Emperor wasn’t paying the money set in previous treaties (author’s note: Don’t these emperors ever learn anything?). Nothing ever actually came of these plans because, quite suspiciously, Attila died in his bed the night after his marriage. When Attila was buried, the Huns went through a lot of trouble. They had to kill anyone who was involved with the burial, so that no one would know of the exact place that Attila was buried. Attila was succeeded by his sons, between which the empire was divided. Attila didn’t have a huge impact on history, because the Romans very well could have done without him. He mainly caused trouble for the Romans, and killed a lot of innocent people just to get his way. Attila the Hun was one of the most important kings of the Huns, though, and he definitely has his place in history, as a barbaric, baby-killing, rude leader of a very ruthless group of warriors.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Blue Cross

When several Blue Cross Blue Shield programs in upstate New York merged, each organization brought its own business processes and IT systems to the new entity. Because they were so different, yet had to be consolidated, the new entity, Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield, wanted to first implement a strong business analysis process to clearly identify company functions and processes. They wanted to be able to inventory and visualize their current state architecture in support of system modernization and SOA efforts. Problem Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield is part of a $4 billion family of companies that finances and delivers health care services across upstate New York, including the major cities of Syracuse, Elmira, Rochester, Utica, and Buffalo. As New York State’s largest nonprofit health plan, the organization provides health insurance to more than 2 million people, and employs more than 6,000 New Yorkers. It is the result of a merger of several health organizations serving upstate New York. Following the merger, Excellus found that there were few enterprise architecture (EA) standards embraced by all of the previously independent entities. The company formed a group within the IT department to focus on EA as it consolidated business and IT systems and reduced the amount of technical diversity within the organization. With multiple platforms and environments, it was extremely challenging to create smoothly running, cohesive business procedures, without a clear understanding of what processes and systems were serving each organization. Many of these legacy systems, some in place for 30+ years, didn’t have adequate documentation, so there were parts of the systems that were completely unknown. â€Å"Before making sweeping policy or platform decisions, we recognized the importance of identifying all company functions and the processes used to implement them,† explained Eric Stephens, enterprise architect, Enterprise Architecture and Integration Team at Excellus. â€Å"This was the first step in our effort to reduce duplicate processes that were a normal result of the merger. We had to develop single systems for claims processing, provider contracting, member registration, and more, but could not do that until we fully understood and mapped the existing processes. † Excellus recognized that a key success factor would be a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach, offering the ability to devise flexible architectures that rely on smaller parts (services), rather than larger monolithic solutions. Being able to implement the architecture in parts gives the company more choices (buy vs. uild) and allows for variation in particular components to adapt to a shifting market demand for products. It was clear that going forward with big systems implementations would drive both risks and financial resources to unacceptable levels. In addition, the organization established a goal of standardizing practices so that customers and others outside the organization would feel like they were dealing with a single company, rather than multiple entities in a loose federation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

American Fashion Industry in 21st Century

American Fashion in 21st Century ‘Fashion’ is the need to adapt to ever changing styles; to dress in distinctive and current trends and a means for one to express their individuality. Fashion refers to keeping every aspect of one’s body up-to-date for varying reasons. Some people prefer a simple life style with modest attire whereas most passionately follow the fashion industry and rapidly change accordingly. This increase in demand for individually tailored items including everything from clothing and footwear to makeup and body piercings is what gave birth to the fashion industry.The roots of this business can be traced to America in the nineteenth century where it grew rapidly and spread across the globe to become the highly integrated industry that exists today. The fashion industry has created thousands of jobs, increased national output and has made significant contributing to increases in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) but is also accompanied by exploitation of labor, eating disorder particularly in models and also the growth of counterfeit products.The international fashion industry portrays an ideal body type commonly known as the ‘size zero’ which women often attempt to attain. This leads them down the road of low self-esteem, starvation and even self-mutilation often resulting in eating disorders, health issues and even suicide. Models between the age of 18 and 24 practically give up eating and also resort to using drugs and alcohol to combat the ensuing depression and irritability which eventually leads to some of them dying young, all just to gain entry into the fashion industry.Natasha Duncan was one such prominent American model who committed suicide at the age of 21(Rose 1). The global fashion industry projects the image of thin and beautiful people that have been airbrushed to perfection thus creating an ideal image of how ‘fashionable’ people should look. Common women get conscious about their own lo oks and then try to attain this level of perfection, the road to which often go through eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.In fact, it is estimated that 8 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder – seven million women and one million men( Fashion 1). Nevertheless it is argued that the American fashion industry has made vital contributions to its in terms of creating employment opportunities and boosting GDP. As a matter of fact, despite the severe recession, the fashion industry is one of the most stable and high-growth industries in the economy.This is because, irrespective of inflation and wages, people still need to buy clothes, footwear and makeup and the fashion industry is one that can rapidly adapt to provide them. In 2010 American households spent, on average, $1,700 on apparel, footwear, and related products and services which is why it generates over $20 billion in revenue is annually (Fashion 1). Moreover the fashion industry played an im portant part in giving jobs when other industries were firing people.Currently it employs over 4 million people under the following areas: design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, retailing, advertising, communication, publishing and consulting (Fashion 1). Beside creating jobs and increasing GDP, the fashion industry has promoted the freedom of expression by allowing individuals to express themselves through their attire. Fashion designers rapidly come up with innovative and creative ideas thus essentially enriching the lives of people and making them more interesting.This is precisely why fashion shows are held: they give models a chance to flaunt their talents and also an opportunity for them to interact with models from other countries, communities and ethnicities which allows them to express themselves and their unique identities. When people are well dressed according to what is in fashion, this would reflect the culture and thinking of the society. Nevertheless, it mus t be noted that fashion leads to competition amongst people to look better than others which manifests itself through jealousy, resentment and even sabotage.What is more, this completion extends to designers as well since they strive to differentiate their products introduce innovative styles which can result in an inefficient use of resources and illegal business practices. This need for cost minimization is one of the reasons as to why the fashion industry exploits cheap foreign labor. The glamor, the runways and the exhibitions are just the front of a dark background. This industry works on the basis of subcontracting, where designers place orders with manufacturers who then hire sub-contractor to complete their orders.Since this industry is highly competitive subcontractor are given only take or leave option with often less payment compared to amount of work which forces them to resort to employing cheap labor in their own workshops which often end up resembling sweat shops. Eve n if this is not the case, designer brands have their own units to produce their goods. Recently many of the fashion retailers have been accused of underpaying their workers and violating international labor laws by running sweatshop. These involve extremely low wages, long working hours and poor working conditions.Earlier this month, factories in Cambodia were investigated for possible violation labor laws. These factories produced clothing for the fast fashion retailer H&M which was found to be paying their workers a measly wage of $61 a month by a Swedish TV program called ‘Kalla Fakta’(Keilla 1). Since America is powerful country, it negotiates trade agreements with developing countries on the basis of free trade agreements. Famous brands then shift their production units to such countries where exploitation is very common. According to a U. S. ommerce department report, the basic wage for garment workers in Honduras is $0. 473 per hour, or $3. 47 per day. After ded ucting costs for transportation to and from work, breakfast and lunch costs of $2. 59 that leaves $0. 80 a day for families and other basic needs ( the Ethics pg 345). This is considered to be completely unfair when workers are hardly making their ends meet but on the other hand fashion houses are making handsome profits. In addition to these the fashion industry has a negative social impact through the creation of counterfeit products.These are replicas of original products which are sold at substantially lower prices in black markets all over the world. It is argued that this practice is unfair since some consumers are paying more than other for the same good. In America such problems are even more complex because their legal system only protects functionality and not design or style. Since fashion houses have globalized their production and distribution process, it becomes easier to produce counterfeit goods. This is represented by the fact that the U. S. customs made 6500 seizur es in 2003 worth over $94 billion (the Ethics pg 346) .High demand for fashion goods gives other business the incentive to make fake copies of original goods and sell in the market. This not only causes a loss in the sale for fashion businesses but also increases the probability of customers mistakenly purchasing fake items. In its annual ‘’special 301† review, the office of the U. S. Trade Representative (USTR) identified more than 30 countries as centers for counterfeiting and piracy and estimated that American industries lose$200 Billion- $250 billion a year to counterfeiting (the Ethics pg 347).The international fashion industry has significantly transformed from what it started out in the nineteenth century to impact a number of aspects of one’s life as the arguments above have demonstrated. That being said, these changes are not constant and continue to grow and evolve due to a number of factors thus making it difficult for economists, industrialists and policy makers alike to objectively weigh the fashion industries benefits and disadvantages.What can be said for certain though is disadvantages such as exploitation of labor, eating disorder and coping of thought and ideas causes more harm to the society as compare to its advantages such as creating more jobs and increasing globalization. Work Cited Al-Azzawi, Ali Malik. â€Å"Fashion Industry and Media Today: The Negative Impact on Society. † (n. d. ): 109. Print. Fashion Industry Stats / Fashion Industry Statistics.  © Copyright SiteRapture, Inc. 2012, 26 Mar. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. . Is Fashion Harmful to Society? †Ã‚  Debate. org. Copyright  © 2012 Debate. org, 25 Mar. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. . Keilla. â€Å"Fashionably Informed: Exploitation of Labor & Popular Clothing Retailers – College Fashion. †Ã‚  College Fashion. Copyright  © 2007-2013 College Fashion LLC, 25 Mar. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. . Rose, Derek, and Alice Mcquillan. â€Å"W ILHELMINA MODEL KILLED SELF, COPS SAY.   NY Daily News. N. p. , 23 July 2001. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. . â€Å"Sweatshops. †Ã‚  Sweatshops. Fashion Crimes, 25 Mar. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. . The Ethics of Counterfeiting in the Fashion Industry: Quality, Credence and Profit Issues Brian Hilton, Chong Ju Choi and Stephen Chen, Journal of Business Ethics  , Vol. 55, No. 4 (Dec. , 2004), pp. 345-354

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Can We Handle Euthanasia essays

Can We Handle Euthanasia essays Euthanasia, though seen by many as murder, is nothing more than a way to help people who are in pain put an end to their times of sorrow and agony. The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek language: Eu means good and Thanatos means death. The meaning of the word is the intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies (Robinson). This definition explains exactly what euthanasia should be, but there are still many meanings and types of euthanasia. Passive euthanasia is hastening the death of a person by altering some form of support and letting nature take its course (Robinson). Passive euthanasia would be removing life support equipment or stopping medication. Another form of euthanasia is active euthanasia, which involves causing the death of a person through a direct action, in response to a request from that person (Robinson). An excellent example of active euthanasia would be the well-known mercy killing by Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Involun tary euthanasia is a term used to describe the killing of a person who has not explicitly requested aid in dying (Robinson). Involuntary euthanasia is most often used for patients who are in a persistent vegetative state and will never recover consciousness. One other form of euthanasia is Physician Assisted Suicide where a physician supplies information and/or the means of committing suicide to a person so they can easily terminate their own life (Robinson). There is only a difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide in some countries. In the United States they seem to mean the same thing. Assisted suicide is generally seen as both voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. In Holland however, there is a difference. Euthanasia is used without sinister overtones to describe a doctor hastening the death of a terminally ill patient by administering a fatal dose of m...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Drawing on at least one example, explore the role that autonomy plays Essay

Drawing on at least one example, explore the role that autonomy plays in achieving a good death - Essay Example Most patients, under the guidance of a clinician, usually make their end of life decisions without any trouble and their wishes are granted. In other cases, the patient is usually too ill or unconscious to contribute to the decision, thus requiring their relatives to do so on their behalf. However, in both cases, the opinion of the patient is usually preferred, making this decision a very important one in a person’s life. With the current advances in medical technology today, most diseases that were considered hopeless and incurable a decade ago are now being managed successfully. Although this is a wonderful thing, it is also very important to acknowledge the fact that the quality of life of a patient should also be considered. As a result of the seemingly extraordinary power of technology, most doctors assume that the role of a clinician is to extend a patient’s life for as long as possible, by every mean necessary. Furthermore, this notion reinforces the natural human urge to ‘do something’ when faced with an insoluble fatal medical condition. As it turns out, most of the actions taken to extend a patient’s life at this stage only prolong their suffering and the dying process rather than prevent it. In the following sections, this essay will explore the role of autonomy in achieving a good death. Some of the advantages and shortcomings of adopting patient autonomy in the hospitals will be covered in comparison to medical paternalism, which is essentially the opposite of autonomy. In addition, the essay will look into the relationship between patient autonomy and the other three concepts of biomedical ethics as proposed by Beauchamp and Childress (2001). Finally, recommendations will be made based on the discussion of the role of patient autonomy in achieving a good death. According to the Institute of Medicine, a good death can be defined as â€Å"one that is free from avoidable death and suffering for patients, families and caregivers in

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Growth of World Exports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

The Growth of World Exports - Research Paper Example Third, the strong regional developments have been accompanied by strong growths in merchant dice trade as Table 1 would show.   The strong economy of emerging countries is accompanied by strong exports and imports. Fourth, export growth the receives continued support from the world economy. As Table 1     below shows, the combined merchandise exports of major economies integrate into the strong export growth of the world of 6.5% in 2005, 8.5% in 2006 followed by a decline of 5.5% in 2007.   In   2007, the effect of the recession is starting to appear as trading slows down in most of the countries, with exception of the emerging economies that displayed its strength beyond the crisis. We have seen China, Asia and India emerged as strong exporters.  Tariff and quotas are both methods of controlling imports but the tariff is preferred over the other because of its advantages. Tariff is a tax placed on imported or exported goods while quota is a government imposed limit on th e importation of goods. Tariff is a source of revenue for the government and frequently imposed to protect domestic producers from foreign competition (Boyes & Melvin, 2000.p. 494).   For instance, a country that does not produce cars may place a tariff on imported cars. The quantity imported will be controlled because of the increase in price and the lessened demand for the cars because of the price.   The tariff has an effect of reducing importation.  The quota is another government tool that puts a limit to the quantity or value of goods and services imported and exported. A quota may be imposed through quantity quota or a value quota.   In a quantity quota, the physical amount of good is restricted. For example, the United States has a U.S. quota for its sugar importation that is set yearly that depends on their domestic needs. For 2010, U.S. quota based on quantity is 1.471 million of sugar (Bjerga, 2010). Another kind of restriction related to quota is valuing quota th at restricts the money value of the product, so instead of physical quota, the U.S. could limit the dollar value of sugar imported (Boyles & Williams, 494)