Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Differences Between Family And Parent Families - 3378 Words

It is not uncommon for a child in today’s society to be raised in a single-parent household Compared to peers in intact families, adolescents in single-parent families and stepfamilies seem more likely to engage in delinquency as I research. This relationship appears to be operating through differences in family processes parental involvement, supervision, monitoring, and parent child closeness—between intact and non-intact families and peers living in traditional intact families (two married-biological parents), youths living in two-biological-parent blended families, two biological- parent cohabiting families, biological mother- stepfather families, biological-mother cohabiting partner families, biological-mother only families, biological father-cohabiting partner families, biological-father-only families, grandparent only families, and foster families engaged, on average, in higher levels of antisocial behavior. These practices are contemplated by (Parke, 2003)youth s sexual orientation, race, age, private status and family environment that are extending from fleeing from home, being suspended from school, substance misuse to carrying out minor property wrongdoing, taking part in vicious conduct, and getting to be captured. single parent families are more prone to participate in reprobate acts including genuine property wrongdoings mulling over teenagers and folks attributes and family techniques, for example, parental inclusion, parental supervision, parentalShow MoreRelatedFamilies in the 1960’s and Today615 Words   |  3 PagesFamilies in the 1960’s and Today Kiana Joyner American Intercontinental University Abstract This paper will discuss the differences between families from the 1960’s and the families of today. There are many differences between the different times. I have focused on the parentage portion of the families. 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Just as in the 19th Century, Cutler (2000) points out that â€Å"parents and teachers can be adversaries, allies, or advocates for each other and the cause of better education† (p. 198). Although it seems to be recognized in America that families and schools must form strong partnerships and work togetherRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Children And Children1548 Words   |  7 Pagescause the differences in an increased need for help between divorced family children and two-parent family children: parental loss, economic loss, more life stress, poor parental adjustment, lack of parental competence, and exposure to conflict between parents. This paper examines the research on how divorce negatively effects children, and explores the unanswered question of how it effects them through young adulthood. Introduction Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage between two people

Monday, December 23, 2019

Indonesia Is A Culturally Rich Nation - 2255 Words

Introduction As the world’s largest Southeastern Asian economy with a population of over 200 million, Indonesia possesses attractive prospects for business and enterprise. Alongside the election of President Widodo who intends to increase foreign investment and improve infrastructure, this could serve as an opportune time to get involved with the island nation. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the propensity to manage internationally becomes imminent. This guide is intended to benefit the international manager in conducting operations in Indonesia. Its purpose is to provide the manager with a comprehensive background regarding cultural practices, as well as an interpretive lens and recommendations for best practice. Indonesia†¦show more content†¦The mining, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors are the bread-winners for Indonesia. In 2010, United States President, Barack Obama visited Indonesia and commented that Indonesia is an example of how a developing nation should embrace cultural diversity and democracy. In 2014 Indonesia’s new President, Joko Widodo, planned to end government corruption and improve the economic reform. Indonesia currently struggles with extreme poverty, inadequate infrastructure for the rapidly growing nation, and economic and social reform issues. It has implemented a 20 year development social and infrastructure revision plan beginning in 2005 and projected to end in 2025. The Land Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and is the fourth most populous island in the world. There are a total of 17,508 islands and nearly 6,000 islands remain uninhabited. It is nearly three times the size of Texas. The U.S. is five times the size of Indonesia. There are five large islands that include: Java, Sumatera, Papau, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Although, Bali and Komodo islands are more well known to tourists. The country can be observed in two parts: Western and Eastern. The western side is where over 80 percent of Indonesia’s total GDP is obtained and the western side is located near Malaysia and Singapore. The eastern side is more remote and less densely populated. Indonesia’s natural resources include: silver and

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ethics and Values in Modern Media Free Essays

Ethics and Values in Modern Day Media â€Å"The public has an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Values in Modern Media or any similar topic only for you Order Now † — Oscar Wilde. Few would doubt that the media is one of the few platforms that affords people the ability to inform, entertain, and influence society. The privilege of having such voice and influence comes with great responsibility. It is crucial that those in a position of such power behave in a responsible and ethical manner. Journalist across all mediums are held to a strong ethical standard in their profession as their work can to completely change the publics view of any given topic or event. It is obvious that technology is having a tremendous impact on all forms of media. While past generations waited for the evening news or the morning paper, people today are reaching for the internet at any time of the day or night to get the latest information. While this instant access has helped curb the public’s insatiable curiosity for information, it has also raised a whole new set of questions regarding the ethics and values in the media industry. One of the most compelling questions to arise out of this new era is whether the media industry has forsaken its core ethics and values for its own gain. Values are very personal choices which are compromised of the individual experiences in life. They are choices that help one prioritize their life. Values can be influenced by a number of factors such as family, upbringing, religion, and society. They help one define and project character attributes such as loyalty, compassion and honesty. Values are instrumental in how we behave and the choices we make. Ethics are professional rules that define how different groups of people should behave. There is a distinct sense of right and wrong with little room for â€Å"grey† or questionable behavior. Ethics guide and dictate what is professional and acceptable to each given profession. To behave ethically is to behave in a manner consistent with what is right and or moral for the profession. Values and ethics are forever at a crossroads because today’s society pushes towards personal wealth. The stakes are constantly raised as far as what it takes to gain that wealth. (,2010). It is not uncommon for people to share private information, set someone up, edit what a person has said or completely alter a picture someone has taken for their gain. It is in situations like this that values are tested and ethics are ignored. Professional values and ethics are commonly derived from government laws and regulations, state licensing boards, and trade associations. A professions code of conduct will â€Å"contain provisions that are designed to advise, guide, and regulate behavior on the job. † (Madsen Shafritz, 1990, p. 205). There are also federal, state and local laws which regulate and enforce most professional industries. According to The United States Department of Labor (n. d), Government agencies such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) were created to â€Å"assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women; by authorizing enforcement of the standards developed under the Act; by assisting and encouraging the States in their efforts to assure safe and healthful working conditions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  . Professional associations such as the Society of Professional Journalist also have their own values and ethics which are set forth to guide their members. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility. (Society of Professional Journalist, 1996). Each association clearly outlines its expectations in hopes that all members will abide by them and act in a professional manner. One of the biggest sectors of media affected by e thical conflicts is the advertising market. â€Å"For some business ethicists, advertising is one of the most crucial issues in corporate ethics because its pervasiveness and because of its power to mold consumer thinking and behavior. For example, many have argued that advertising is a form of a behavior control, given its subtle psychological persuasion and its repetitiveness. One such argument holds that advertising creates in the mind of the consumer a need – not just want – for that which is advertised. When the consumer in question happens to be a child subjected to a barrage of TV ads about toys, sugared cereals, candy, and so on, then the ethics of advertising taken as a form of behavior control is even more crucial. † (Madsen Shafritz, 1990). Photographers also face backlash as women’s advocacy groups rail against the use of airbrushed models in print media. â€Å"You have to accept that fashion is fantasy. It’s wearable art,† says Andrew Matusik, a New York fashion photographer and the owner of Digital Retouch, which specializes in celebrity and fashion retouching. â€Å"It’s all about creating drama. † (Bennett, 2008). It is widespread knowledge that any photographer with any basic graphic design skills can and will alter an image to suit his client’s needs. As technology evolves so do the ethical standards which advertisers and photographers are held to. Another form of media mired in controversy is reality based investigative news shows. One such show, Dateline’s â€Å"To Catch a Predator† purported to take child sex predators off the street as they taped a series of sting operations set up by various law enforcement agencies. The show faced a firestorm of criticism when a Dallas, Texas man committed suicide moments before he was to be arrested on charges of engaging in sexually explicit chat with a minor. The man’s family sued the network and won a substantial award. The presiding judge ruled â€Å"that the network crossed the line from responsible journalism to irresponsible and reckless intrusion into law enforcement. † (Shea, 2008). Although the show was very successful for the network, it was cancelled shortly after the lawsuit. While it is widely believed that being ethical and sticking to one’s values will lead to an honorable and decent career, the examples illustrated above show that more and more people are willing to push the envelope of professional values and ethics. Personal gain has taken a back seat to deceny and commen sense in many professions. This leaves us with an urgent and pressing question-what are professional ethics and values worth today? References: Values and Ethics. (n. d. ). Strategic Leadership and Decision Making. Retrieved from http://www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch15. html Values, Morals and Ethics. (n. d. ). Changing minds and persuasion — How we change what others think, believe, feel and do. Retrieved from http://changingminds. org/explanations/values/values_morals_ethics. tm United States Department of Labor. (n. d). OSHA. Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/oshinfo/mission. html Madsen, P. , Shafritz, J. M. (1990). Essentials of Business Ethics. New York, New York: Penguin Group Society of Professional Journalist. (1996). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from http://www. spj. org/ethicscode. asp Bennett, J. (2008, May). Picture Perfect. Newsweek, (), . Shea, D. (2008). The Huffington Post. Retri eved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2008/06/25/nbc-settles-to-catch-a-pr_n_109261. html How to cite Ethics and Values in Modern Media, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Challenges In Cyber Business For Security â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Challenges In Cyber Business For Security? Answer: Introduction Cybersecurity refers to the processes and techniques that are applied in order to protect the computer systems and networks from the various security attacks and risks. There are a number of security related issues that have been observed in the current times that lead to adverse impacts on the cyber systems and networks. There are many challenges that are associated with cyber security in the form of the implementation of the security protocols and many others. The project includes the identification of the challenges that are associated with Cybersecurity. Project Objectives The primary objectives of the project are as listed below. Analysis of the Cybersecurity challenges that are associated with the businesses Listing of the Cybersecurity issues in association with the three business organizations Learning the possible solutions that can be applied to overcome the challenges Project Scope The following activities will be accomplished in the project: Selection of the topic to carry out the research work Literature review on the topic as Challenges in cyber security for business Presentation of the research proposal on the selected topic Preparation of a reflective journal on the research work that is carried out Literature Review There are a number of challenges that are associated with the vendors and users of the computer and web-based solutions and services. Cybersecurity is associated with many different challenges in the areas of network security, implementation issues etc. Lancope is an organization that is now a part of Cisco and works in the field of providing Cybersecurity solutions to its customers. There are newer threats and forms of security attacks that are being developed by the malevolent entities. The security team and solution providers work on the known threat and issues with the use of firewalls, intrusion based detection systems, anti-malware tools etc. Lancope also faced the same challenge as there were network security solutions that were present for the threats that were already identified. With the expansion of the systems and services, attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), insider threats, Distributed Denial of Service attacks etc. have been developed. There are still mechanisms that are required to be developed to put a check on the threats that occur in real-time. Lancope is an organization that did not limit itself to the traditional practices to deal with the cyber issues and security problems. One of its applications makes use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) along with behavior analytics to deal with the Cybersecurity issues. The primary challenge that occurred in association with Lancope was to deal with the increased amount of data traffic and ensure the performance of its flow sensors accordingly. There were speed and complexity issues that were identified (Rohde-Schwarz, 2016). Cybersecurity is an advanced branch that includes the various methods and processes that shall be used and applied in order to deal with the cyber risks and attacks. There are still businesses and sectors that are not aware of the requirement and necessity of including Cybersecurity mechanisms and protocols in their architecture. One of such industries is the hospitality industry that has been observed to have many loopholes in terms of the Cybersecurity methodologies that are applied. The case study includes the analysis of Cybersecurity mechanisms in five different hotels in Reno, Nevada located in the United States. The level of Cybersecurity that was analyzed and identified in the process was found to be extremely low with a number of loopholes (Shabani, 2016). The primary issues that were observed in association with the hotels included a number of identity thefts and data breaches. The breaching of the data led to the loss of the information properties such as availability and confidentiality of the information. There are many of the silent criminals and attackers that are present in the hospitality industry. There is a large use of web based systems and applications across the entire hospitality industry. It is because of this reason that there are many access points that are present which are used by the malicious entities to enter the system that is used and silently observe the flow of activities and information. Such silent invasions lead to the problems of password captures and unauthorized recording of the activity flow which leads to the damaging impacts. Another primary issue that was observed in the hotel chains was the execution of the security audits and reviews to find out the vulnerabilities that were present. It is because of the reason that there were no updates and enhancements that were being done at a regular interval. All of these issues and security attacks lead to the loss of competitive gains and advantages over the competitors in the market. The set of issues that were identified with the hotels and the hospitality industry included a major gap in understanding the requirement of Cybersecurity mechanisms and protocols. The level of awareness of the staff members and the management units engaged with the hotels was not enough and as per the required standards. There are still obsolete methods and practices that are being used due to the lack of the knowledge and awareness in the area. The implementation of the Cybersecurity solutions also gets troublesome in such businesses as the staff members are required to be provided with the trainings on the operational and technical parameters. Loyalty programmes are run by the hotels to expand the customer base that is associated with the hotels. In case of the occurrence of security attacks and threats, the customer loyalty is also negatively impacted. Once a customer experiences a data breach, the level of customer trust and engagement drops down (Pilling, 2013). There is another case study that has been reviewed and analyzed to understand the Cybersecurity challenges that are present in various business sectors across the globe. Ontario Local Distribution Company (LDCO) is an organization that works in the area of providing electrical services and solutions to its customers. There is a wide use of smart grids, smart meters along with numerous Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the organization (Herzog, 2011). There is a lack of support staff and tools that were observed in LDCO that led to a number of different problems to manage the IT assets and to develop and implement the Cybersecurity solutions. There are manual processes that are being used for inventory control and management which may result in the configuration and security challenges. IT asset management is extremely difficult to be carried out in such cases. There is a lack of technical skills and abilities that were identified in LDCO that resulted in many of the technical issues in association with the cyber systems and solutions. The organization did not have any process of maintenance of the logs which led to difficulties in order to track a particular activity. Vulnerability management and the level of threat intelligence that was present in the organization were also very limited (Stratejm, 2016). As a result, there were a number of Cybersecurity challenges and issues that were identified in LDCO in terms of operation, technical and managerial issues. User awareness is again one of the primary challenges that has been observed in the organizations that belong to non-IT or non-technical sectors. Business organizations in the current times deal with a lot of information and data that belongs to the various categories of information, such as, sensitive information, critical information, private data, public data etc. There are three properties that are associated with each of these information categories as confidentiality of the information, integrity of the information, and availability of the information. It is extremely necessary to make sure that all of these three information properties are maintained and secured at all times. However, with the execution of a number of security risks and attacks, these properties of information get impacted in a negative manner (Vidalis, Jones and Blyth, 2004). There are many challenges that are associated with Cybersecurity that have been observed in the execution of the research processes on various business sectors. In case of the non-IT industries, the awareness of Cybersecurity and the technical skills to implement and maintain the solutions and services is extremely limited. There are many start-ups and small-scale industries that are present in these sectors. These units cannot afford to spend much on the establishment of a designated department for security control and management. There are basic tools that are being used by such organizations that provide the malevolent entities with the ability to execute the risks and attacks and gain entry to the systems. There are also many of the operational issues that have also been identified in association with these industries because of the lack of operational knowledge and skills (Lee, 2012). There are many of the newer forms of threats and attacks that are being developed. These new threats and attacks are being executed by the attackers before the resolution and prevention mechanism is created. Such threats may cause huge damage as it takes time to put a check on the same. There is a continuous work of research and development that is being carried out in the field of Cybersecurity; however, the number of issues and problems are also increasing at the same pace. The reason behind the same is the excessive use of the automated tools and applications by the clients all across the globe (Gavas, 2012). There are huge clusters of information that is present in the business organizations and units of the current times. Due to the presence of these data sets and huge information clusters, it is difficult to assign the data ownership and authority to the required personnel of department. There are ownership and responsibility issues and challenges that have been observed. As a result, the authority of the Cybersecurity practices that shall be applied along with the review to understand the standardization of the same is lacking (Crespigny, 2012). There are performance and maintenance issues that often come up in association with these systems and solutions that go unnoticed because of inadequate ownership resulting in numerous security challenges and problems. Risk management strategies and solutions that are also applied to make sure that the risks that are associated with the cyberspace are overcome. There are many of the automated tools and applications that have been developed in order to manage the risks and issues that are involved. However, these tools have a problem of their own. Some of these tools are extremely expensive which may not be in accordance with the budget of most of the organizations. The basic version of these tools does not come with the required set of features (Thannum, 2013). Also, there is a continuous monitoring and maintenance that is required in association with these tools that further enhances the cost. As a result, there are many businesses that make use of the alternative tools and practices that are not as effective as required. This results in the occurrence of many cyber risks and attacks (Markelj, 2016). Change management is another Cybersecurity challenge that has been observed in association with the business organizations. There is an immense shift in the business practices and activities that are carried out (Choi, 2013). It has led to the emergence of numerous changes and transformations in terms of the nature of activities, flow of the tasks, operational and technical activities etc. The management of all of these changes is not easy to be executed and an enhanced duration of the management and handling of these changes result in the negative impact on the productivity and efficiency levels. Conclusion The modern day businesses cannot be imagined without the use of computer systems, networks and other elements of Information Technology. There is an enhanced shift in the business practices and solutions that are being used in various sectors and industries. As a result, there are many Cybersecurity challenges that have come up. These challenges can be classified in the areas of technical challenges, operational challenges, management challenges, user awareness issues and budget constraints. It is necessary to develop the departments that may handle the risks and attacks that are involved in association with the cyberspace in the cost-effective manner to prevent and detect the same. References Choi, S. (2013). A model of analyzing cyber threats trend and tracing potential attackers based on darknet traffic. Security and Communication Networks, p.n/a-n/a. Crespigny, M. (2012). Building cyber-resilience to tackle threats. Network Security, 2012(4), pp.5-8. Gavas, E. (2012). Winning Cybersecurity One Challenge at a Time. IEEE Security Privacy, 10(4), pp.75-79. Herzog, S. (2011). Revisiting the Estonian Cyber Attacks: Digital Threats and Multinational Responses. Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), pp.49-60. Lee, M. (2012). Cyber crimes: preparing to fight insider threats. Computer Fraud Security, 2012(6), pp.14-15. Markelj, B. (2016). Comprehension of cyber threats and their consequences in Slovenia. Computer Law Security Review, 32(3), pp.513-525. Pilling, R. (2013). Global threats, cyber-security nightmares and how to protect against them. Computer Fraud Security, 2013(9), pp.14-18. Rohde-Schwarz (2016). Lancope accelerates security performance and time-to-market with Dell, RohdeSchwarz Cybersecurity Napatech. [online] Available at: https://cybersecurity.rohde-schwarz.com/sites/default/files/download/casestudy_lancope_misc_en_3607-2390-32_v0201.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Shabani, N. (2016). A Study of Cyber Security in Hospitality Industry - Threats and Countermeasures: Case Study in Reno, Nevada. [online] Available at: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1705/1705.02749.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Stratejm (2016). Case Study: Cyber Security-as-a-Service. [online] Available at: https://stratejm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/SECaaS-Case-Study-Cyber-Security-as-a-Service.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Thaanum, J. (2013). Threats to Cyber Security: The Dangers of Malicious Mobile Code, Users, and the iPhone. Journal of Applied Security Research, 8(4), pp.490-509. Vidalis, S., Jones, A. and Blyth, A. (2004). Assessing cyber-threats in the information environment. Network Security, 2004(11), pp.10-16.