Saturday, February 15, 2020

Mathematics concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mathematics concepts - Essay Example Integration,  in calculus, method of determining a function g(x) and its darivative, Dg(x), is same as a known function f(x). It is denoted by the symbol of integralâ€Å"∠«,† such as ∠«f(x), generally known as the indefinite integral of the known function. (At the end of the function sign dx is commonly included, that simply describes x as the variable.) The standard form for writing a definite integral is as the following: Integration by Substitution is one of the most uncomplicated techniques of integration which is used for making the integration uncomplicated. Integration by substitution or u-substitution in its simplest form is utilized each time when an integral includes a function and also contains derivative of that function, such as, for an integral of the structure These new limits u1 and u2 can be termed as placeholder for integration. This time when we reverse the substitution replacement ‘sinx’ for ‘u’ and also reversing the representation to limits as well to ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively. Now our equation will

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The corporation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The corporation report - Essay Example In addition, they have compared corporations to a football team in that all teammates play different parts yet have a similar goal (HAINES, 2007, P 8). Furthermore, corporation has being compared to a family unit and a telephone line. Overall, corporations are greedy and materialistic organizations that do not care about the welfare of the people. Examples of workers being paid slave wages and the use of chemicals to increase milk production at the expense of the animal’s health by Monsanto is proof (YouTube, 2013). Findings Argument for the Film The film talks about the negative side of corporations and produces enough evidence. For example, the Nike shoe company has been accused of hiring child labour in the third world countries. Another corporation is the Coca-Cola Company which continued to manufacture the beverage despite protests of water infections in India. These corporations exploit people (Fisse, & Braithwaite, 1993, P, 1). The child labour in the Nike Company is al so being paid slave wages. Monsanto insisted on the use of BST Posillac, which harms the, cow and the farmer too. Monsanto also polluted Vietnam with toxic herbicide that resulted to death and cancer. The documentary has listed some negativity of corporations. Continuous deceitfulness. Callous unconcern for others. Reckless disregard for safety of others. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours. Incapacity to endure lasting relationships. Incapacity to experience guilt. Arguments against the Film Even though the documentary has majored on the down sides of corporations it has also shed light on the good sides of some corporations. Billionaires have given out their wealth in support of the environment, for example, Bill Gates and Sir Richard Branson. Monsanto has a number of claims to defend their position. The corporation claims the following. Protecting ecosystems while driving productivity. Innovating to improve lives. Delivering the best seeds for far mers. Looking globally to plant the best locally. In the top 10 of the World’s most innovative companies. Nike also claims the following. Providing safe working environments. Usage of ethically sound methods. Socially responsible sourcing practices. Burson-Marsteller corporation claims to aid people achieve good lives by; - Giving people a voice. Set up the national smoker’s alliance. Created BCFA to combat environmental campaigns. Legal Position of a Corporation – UK Different countries have different legal positions of a corporation (Rosenau, 1997, P, 200). Companies Act 2006 is laws that restate the greater part of the enactments relating to companies (Degenhardt, 2010, 17). In the UK CA 2006 sets out the rules for reform of companies (Almond, 2013, P 191). In the company acts of the UK legal position states under Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] A.C. 22 that a company has a separate legal personality. This means that a corporation Liability for its actions is limited to the company. It can sue and be sued, own property and enter into contracts. The EU transparency directive 2007 in the case of the Cadbury report 1992 and Hampel committee report 1998 addresses corporate fraud and accountability (Fisse, & Braithwaite, 1993, P, 2). Furthermore, it addresses conflict of interest and auditor independence or the white collar crime (Haines, 2007, P 9). Legal Position of a Corporation – USA In the USA Corporations are now armed with constitutional