Thursday, March 19, 2020
Spartan Ephorate essays
Spartan Ephorate essays What was the role and the authority of the ephors in the Spartiate Constitution? In ancient Sparta the office of ephor was both the most interesting and the most obscure of the offices under the Spartan constitution. It seems that the ephors became more important and gained more and more political power as the history of Sparta proceeded. According to tradition, the order was established at the time of the first Spartan war to help the kings of Sparta to carry out their main duties Messenia (736-716 BC), which necessitated the protracted absence from their country of the two reigning kings of Sparta, Alcamenes and Theopompus. But by the time first Persian invasion of Greece in 480 BC, the kings had lost much of their power, and it is certain that the ephorate had gained a great deal of what the kings had lost. At its peak of authority the board of ephors was the organ of citizen control over the dual kingship of Sparta. There were five ephors, elected each year by the full Assembly of Equals. This annually elected board functioned until it was destroyed in the 3rd century BC by the Spartan kings Agis IV (reigned 244-241 BC) and Cleomenes III (reigned 235-222 BC). Later it was revived and lasted until A.D. 200. Anybody who was a Spartan Equal and over thirty years old was eligible to stand for election. Their relation to the two Spartiate kings was curious. The kings were recognised as the only authorised military commanders, but the ephors had full discretion in levying troops. During campaigns they had no voice in command, but they might bring the royal leaders to trial for alleged errors in conducting war. The ephors cast the deciding voice when the kings disagreed. Their decisions were the result of a simple majority vote. The responsibilities of the ephorate included giving foreign ambassadors permission to cross the border into Spartan territory and permission to address the Assem ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
German Herbs and Spices Glossary
German Herbs and Spices Glossary When you are cooking or dining in a German-speaking country, you will want to know the words for herbs, spices, and seasonings. Explore these two lists. First, a German-English list and then an English-German list. German-English Herbs and Spices Glossary Key:Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) Ar Anis anise Bs Basilikum basilr Beifuß mugwortr Bockshornklee fenugreeks Bohnenkraut savory n.r Boretsch boragee Brunnenkresse watercresss Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut purslane Cr Cardamom/Kardamom cardamom, cardamonCayenne-Pfeffer cayenne pepperr Coriander cilantro (coriander)r Cumin cumine Curcuma/Kurkuma turmericr/s Curry curry Dr Dill dill Ee Edelraute ruer Estragon tarragon Fr Fenchel fennelr Fencheltee fennel tea Ge Gartenkresse nasturtiume Gelbwurz turmerice Gewà ¼rznelke (-n) clove(s) Hr Holunder eldere Holunderbeere elderberryHopfen (pl) hops Ir Ingwer ginger Ke Kamille camomile, chamomileKapern (pl) capersr Kapuziner nasturtiume Kapuzinerkresse nasturtiumr Kerbel chervilr Knoblauch garlicr Koriander cilantro, corianders Kraut herbà Kruter (pl) herbse Kruterbutter herb butterr Kruterlikà ¶r herbal liqueurr Krutertee herb(al) teae Kresse cressr Kreuzkà ¼mmel cuminr Kà ¼mmel caraway (seed)r Kà ¼rbissamen pumpkin seede Kurkuma turmeric Lr Lauch (-e) leek(s), alliumr/s Liebstà ¶ckel lovages Là ¶ffelkraut common scurvygrasss Lorbeerblatt bay leafLorbeerbltter (pl) bay leaves Mr Majoran majoram, majoran, marjoramr Majoran sweet majoram, knotted majoramr Meerrettich horseradishe Minze mintr Mohn poppy (seed)e Muskatnuss nutmeg Ne Nelke (-n) clove(s)r Nelkenpfeffer allspice (berries of the pimento tree) Or Oregano oregano Pr Paprika paprikae Paprikaschote pimentoe Peperoni chili pepper, peperoni (spice)e Petersilie parsleyr Pfeffer peppers Pfefferkorn (-kà ¶rner) peppercorn(s)e Pfefferminze peppermintr Piment allspice (berries of the pimento tree)r Porree (-s) leek(s), alliumr Portulak, s Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut purslaner Puderzucker powdered sugar Rr Rosmarin rosemary Sr Safran saffronr/e Salbei sagee Schale peel (orange, lemon)r/e Schickoree chicoryr Schnittlauch chivesr Selleriesamen (-) celery seed(s)r Senf mustardSenfkà ¶rner (pl) mustard seedr Sesam sesames Steinkraut stonecrop Tr Thymian thymee Tripmadam, s Steinkraut stonecrop Ve Vanillestange vanilla podr Vanillezucker vanilla-flavored sugar We Wacholderbeere juniper berryWacholderbeeren (pl) juniper berriesr Waldmeister woodruffe Wegwarte chicorye Weinraute ruer Wermut (seasoning) wormwoodr Wermut (herbal liqueur) vermouths Wurstkraut, r Majoran sweet majoram, knotted majoramwà ¼rzen v. to season, add seasoning/spices Yr Ysop hyssop Ze Zichorie (in coffee) chicoryr Zimt cinnamone Zitronenmelisse lemon balme Zitronenschale (-n) lemon peel(s)r Zwiebel onion à English-German Herbs and Spices Glossary Key:Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) Aallspice (berries of pimento tree) r Nelkenpfeffer, r Pimentanise r Anis Bbasil s Basilikumbay leaf s Lorbeerblattbay leaves Lorbeerbltter (pl)borage r Boretsch Ccamomile, chamomile e Kamillecapers Kapern (pl)caraway (seed) r Kà ¼mmelcardamom, cardamon Kardamom, Cardamomcayenne pepper Cayenne-Pfeffercelery seed(s) r Selleriesamen (-)chervil r Kerbelchicory e Wegwarte, r/e Schickoree, e Zichorie (in coffee)chili pepper e Peperonichives r Schnittlauchcilantro (coriander) r Koriandercinnamon r Zimtclove(s) e Nelke (-n), e Gewà ¼rznelke (-n)common scurvygrass s Là ¶ffelkrautcoriander r Coriander/Koriandercress e Kresse/Brunnenkressecumin r Cumin, r Kreuzkà ¼mmelcurry r/s Curry Ddill r Dill Eelder r Holunderelderberry e Holunderbeere Ffennel r Fenchelfennel tea r Fenchelteefenugreek r Bockshornklee Ggarlic r Knoblauchginger r Ingwer Hhops Hopfen (pl)horseradish r Meerrettichhyssop r Ysop Jjuniper berry e Wacholderbeerejuniper berries Wacholderbeeren (pl) Lleek(s), allium r Lauch (-e), r Porree (-s)lemon balm e Zitronenmelisselemon peel(s) e Zitronenschale (-n)lovage r/s Liebstà ¶ckel Mmajoram, majoran, marjoram r Majoranmint e Minzemugwort r Beifußmustard r Senfmustard seed Senfkà ¶rner (pl) Nnasturtium e Gartenkresse, r Kapuziner, e Kapuzinerkressenutmeg e Muskatnuss Oonion r Zwiebeloregano r Oregano Ppaprika r Paprikaparsley e Petersiliepeel (orange, lemon) e Schalepeperoni, chili pepper e Peperonipeperoni, chili pepper r Paprika (Switz.)pepper r Pfefferpeppercorn s Pfefferkorn (-kà ¶rner)peppermint e Pfefferminzepimento e Paprikaschotepoppy (seed) r Mohnpowdered sugar r Puderzuckerpumpkin seed r Kà ¼rbissamenpurslane r Portulak, s Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut Rrosemary r Rosmarinrue e Weinraute, e Edelraute Ssaffron r Safransage r/e Salbeisavory n. s Bohnenkrautseason, add seasoning/spices v. wà ¼rzensesame seeds Sesamkà ¶rner (pl), r Sesamstonecrop e Tripmadam, s Steinkrautsweet majoram, knotted majoram s Wurstkraut, r Majoran Ttarragon r Estragonthyme r Thymianturmeric e Curcuma/Kurkuma, e Gelbwurz Vvanilla-flavored sugar r Vanillezuckervanilla pod e Vanillestangevermouth r Wermut (herbal liqueur) Wwatercress e Brunnenkressewoodruff r Waldmeisterwormwood r Wermut (seasoning)
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